(24)time will take care of everything!

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few days later

win was sitting on an old chair, at the corner of his room looking out from the window and noticing the clouds moving away here and there. win's dad came in by knocking the door where win didn't moved a muscle. win's dad noticed how win behaved these past few days. he normally wont ask or interfere with win's feelings up until to now, but he had to ask from him now, as this was the worst he ever witnessed from win. 

"win..?" .dad came and sat at the corner of the bed which was near to the place win has seated. 

win still didnt react where he was just looking by the window while being lost from his own emotions. 

"win...?" dad spoke again and touched win's shoulder where this time win had to come out from his imagination and hit the reality and so he did. 

"uh..y..yeahh...." win stuttered for a second and replied dad. win's dad saw how pale win was. he was so white which was abnormal to see, his lips were dried as he didnt even saw a glass of water for ages. his cheeks was so blood deprived that they turn out to be no more squeezy and rosy and fluffy. win's dad was so worried and so he asked. 

"win...son...i know you are going with something right now...are you doing okay...do you need to talk about it..are you comfortable to talk with me...or do you need to adjust myself so that i can clearly understand you...what should i do...tell me..." win's dad poured out all his concern all out at once. 

win didnt want to even start to talk about his feelings. he only knew how he spent these days  without thinking about bright. but always on his heart,it  made him to remember bright and of his warmth. he needed bright to be here. he needed to see bright and how he was. has he become thin, is he safe, is he taking all his meals at correct time, all those feeling were piled up on win. tay told him not to come to college for a week and so he stayed and before he knows he nearly stayed one week and a half with his dad. mix even called to ask and even texted win to ask why he didnt come to school,but win was too tired of replying and calling and making up of excuses. he was so angry at all where specially at tay who decided to erase all the data out from win's phone at that night by lying that he will add up bright's new number. he wanted to vent out all of these pain to someone but he couldnt possibly do all that to his dad, so he went in silent mode and stayed as still. 

"win...just...ahh...i dont know son....you never been like this...like even after your mom's death...you never...please...." win's dad ruffled win's hair softly where win closed and felt the warmth of dad's hands. and before he knew tears were overflowing from win's eyes. and win's dad noticed and continued to pat and rub win's hair thinking that it would calm him down and make him cool down. but poor dad knew that win was struggling with his mind and heart and preventing himself not to think about bright. 

win's dad stood up and knelt down and kept his left hand on win's left knee and looked at win's silent pouring face. 

"dear...i dont know what you are going through...but sharing your pain could make you better...believe me it always do...but if you cant share and you want to resolve it from your own..its even fine...but just if you are lost to resolve it your own..ask help from someone....they will answer your questions...and with that you could that resolve your won conflict....hmm...?" win's dad said and win stayed still while looking win's dad eye to eye. yes it was hard to share all of those with dad cause at the fist place win's dad didnt knew what kind of relationship he had with bright. honestly even win himself didnt knew what this relationship was. 

"how...how it feels when you....when you like some one....?" win finally gathered some courage and decided to ask fro help. he stuttered few times and slowly wiped down his tears on his own.  win's dad knew at that instant what kind of problem it was.

"uhh...that's bit..uhh..how to say..." win's dad stood up and sat again at the corner of the bed where win looked at him, waiting for an answer. 

"when you like someone...uhh....like...you..have this...you know...you like to see that person...you like to talk with her...you like to be with that person and share opinions and all...yeah that's pretty about it...you praise her..you appreciate her...you are grateful for her..." win stayed still and compared them with the feeling he had for bright but he coudnt continue, as dad interrupted his ray of feelings.

"but...if you love someone...dear...that would be total different...." win stopped of his feelings where he listened to dad. 

"if you love someone...you just dont like to talk with her..you always need to talk with her..you just dont want to look at her...you need to see her...hug her...feel her embrace...you need to see her at your closest..you need to share all your sorrows and happiness with her...you need her no matter what...and when she is not there with you need something miracle to happen so that you could meet her...you need to climb mountain and oceans just to meet her...you will hear your heart beating normal only when you see her..." win's dad went in to his memory lane on how win's dad met win's mom. he was happy and sad at the same time thinking how time got changed. where at the end win's dad exhaled a large air drop and held win's hand. win looked at dad. 

"and my dear...you...you dont need to think more now...whether you like or love that someone...cause the answer is already here..." win's dad pointed his heart. 

"you are crazily in love my dear...and that is the utter truth..."win' dad said where that line echoed in win's heart. all the feelings dad explained were just the exact what he was feeling right now. he just wanted to meet him and hug and kiss bright until his last breadth. he missed bright. 

"i am messed up dad..i dont know what to do..."win cried at the peak of confusion. 

"you could cry all your heart out win...i wont stop you...but you need to reason out your problems with that person...you cant take care of your heart all by yourself when half of your heart is given to someone else..." and win felt a thump on that line. where win' dad looked at win on direct eye contact. 

"cause now this heart is not only yours..its both of you and that person you love..and thats why its called as your better half..." win's dad winked where win finally felt some lighter over his heart. he let out a soft smile where win's dad stood up and made win to stand up too. win's dad held win by his shoulders' at either sides. 

"remember my son....everything people do..everything happen now...all got a reason...and those reasons are always...always good..you might think it is bullshit...no....even though you might not see that right away...you will see the positivity of those reasons at the correct time...time will take care of your heart..believe me..." dad said and win nodded. honestly win felt as if a huge pressure released to the thin air. 

"okay  now..lets feed your stomach..i will make your favorite chocolate pie...come..." win's dad smiled. 

"lets both make...."win said and smiled where win'dad felt some better over win's nature. 


####let's share you opinions on below question:

-what is the difference between liking someone and loving someone???

comment down what you have felt and do share ....lets see how romantic you guys are...hee heee...####

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