(17) bye baby!

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Tay and love were at the music room when bright and earth came in. Tay already arranged some seats for bright and earth . 

"Are you okay now...?" bright asked while dragging the chair few steps back from love's chair. He had to make love comfortable as she was the only girl with three boys in a room. He was indeed a gentleman.

"Yes...sir...I am okay...?" love said with a smile.her voice was so sweet like a tweety bird.

"Hey...call me bright...no need of sir and all..."bright said in embarrassed manner.love just agreed with a smile.

"I don't need to introduce these two right...you already know I hope so..." bright asked while pointing Tay and earth.

"Yes...P'bright....I read your profiles yesterday...thank you for the concern you all are showing for my family...I am in debt to you..." love said while bowing her head in front of all three.

"Ahh..no need of that...you are like a sister to us...and we brothers will protect you with our best..." Tay said with a smile. and Earth and bright too agreed.

"Do you know those guys...the ones who messed with you....?" bright asked.

"Uhh...it's bit like...uhh..how to say..." love was worried and embarrassed.

"Don't worry..just tell us...we won't mind anything at all..you can speak your heart out..." earth said and love felt some comfort.

"It's like this...I am a person who is invisible in this uni...they treat me like I am not even a person..they mock me..they sometimes lock me up on toilets...they blackmail me...ahh the list go on..."

"But why..?" bright asked with concern.he was worried for love's condition in uni.

"I don't know the exact reason but many students always mock me saying that my dad is a drug dealer and all...they blabbers about how my dad got into black money scandals and what not..." love explained. She was near to cry but she held her tears.

"I don't know anything about my dad's work...he goes early and comes at late night...I rarely see him...it was yesterday that I saw him like after weeks...and that was also just to give me your profiles...I want to know what he is doing...so I can be here...with confidence...I don't want to listen to those rumors....it make me...uhh...so annoy and make me feel hate over dad..." love explained.

"I can understand how you might feel..." bright said.

"Don't worry...now we came in here...we'll protect you...you can be with us..." bright continued.

" Yes...indeed... I always loved to have a sister beside me...and now I found one.." it was Tay who said with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you...I am really blessed to have you all...." love said. Bright smiled.

"Rumors will be always there..whether it's the truth or not...people make them up so for their satisfaction...we should not feel broken up due to those..." bright said and love listened attentively.

"And as for your dad...I don't know what is he...but all I know is that he loves you and your mom so much..believe on that...he even didn't care for his life but cared for yours...that's the reason why we three are here for you...isn't it...?" bright asked and love understood.

"So don't jump into conclusions...okay...?" bright asked and softly ruffled love's hair.

"Okay..thank you..I will from now on..." love said and stood up with confidence.

"From now on...I will make up what I lost...and that's a promise..." she said and bright too stood up.

"Cheers for love..." bright screamed.

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