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Yoongis eyes scanned the dance floor covered with drunk people, either dancing or grinding on eachother. He sipped his drink, looking up at his friend coming towards him.

He sat down next to Yoongi.

"Anyone catch your eye?" He asked, staring into the crowd as well.

Yoongi shook his head, taking another drink from his glass. His friend rambled on.

"Maybe him- wait no, her- never mind-"

"Kook." Yoongi warned, giving the younger a death stare.

Jungkook looked down, "Right, sorry." He apologized.

Yoongi sighed, "No need to apologize, you're just trying to help." He assured the boy, who smiled slightly.

Jungkook picked at the hem of his shirt, shrugging, "I just want you to be..I dont know...happy again?" He struggled with finding the right words, furrowing his brows.

Yoongi set his hand on Jungkooks knee.

"You don't have to worry, kook. I'm okay." Yoongi smiled warmly.

Jungkook looked up at him, finally looking him in the eyes.

"Good, because someone's coming over here and they look like they got eyes for you." He warned, smirking at the way the elders face dropped.

Yoongi hesitantly looked up, seeing a giddy brunette walking up to him. He mentally sighed. The brunette finally made it over to Yoongi, seeming to get nervous under Yoongis gaze.

"Can I help you?" Yoongi asked, leaning back, his voice deep.

The brunettes eyes flicked from Jungkook to Yoongi.

"Uh, actually yeah!" He breathed out, smiling at Yoongi, fiddling with his hands.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him, folding his hands over his lap.

"You see that guy over there?" The boy pointed behind him, turning his body to show a boy with light brown hair sitting at the bar.

Yoongi nodded.

"He wants your number."

Yoongi laughed dryly. Hoseok lifted an eyebrow at him.

"Uh, this you?" He asked, watching Yoongi intently.

He grinned.


Jungkook slapped Yoongi on the arm, giving him a stern look. Jungkook looked up at the brunette.

"I'm sorry about him," He smiled at the brunette while smiled back, "I'll just go over to your friend and give him it."

"Alright!" He smiled, back to his happy mood.

Jungkook got up and motioned towards his chair.

"You're welcome to sit."

He took the opportunity and sat in, turning to Yoongi who was now scowling at his drink.


Yoongi didn't respond.

"What's your name?" He asked, waiting expectantly.

Yoongi glared at him.

"Why are you here?" He finally spoke, causing to boy to furrow his eyebrows.


"This is a club. And you definitely don't fit the atmosphere." Yoongi explained, looking to boy up and down.

"Oh." The brunettes face dropped slightly but he was still smiling.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him, "Well?" He asked, tapping his drink impatiently.

The boy next to him looked around nervously, his leg slightly bouncing.

"Uh- my friend wanted me to come with him." He shrugged.

Yoongi nodded, taking a drink from his cup, "What's your name?"

"Jung Hoseok." He quickly added, "But you can call me Hobi."

"I'm Yoongi." He said, studying the nervous boy.

Hoseoks head whipped up.

"What's your full name?"

Yoongi just smirked.

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