VII) Marion- Ouch!

Start from the beginning

"It's alright." His voice shook, but still stayed reassuring. The wind rushed through the little cracks in the wood, so it made it cold. He put his jacket around me. "Here there's a couch over here. I'm going to pick you up and put you there, okay?" I quickly shook my head no and pressed my head into his chest more. "It's okay, I'll give you a minute. Are you in pain?" He asked very kindly. Why would this pilot care for me so much? Why, especially since the world thinks so badly about America right now?

I shook my head yes. Pain shot up and down my legs. There was sheer pain in my abdomen. It all was fine until I made the smallest movement. "My... abdomen hurts... legs." I tried to spit out information, but suffered a lot to do so. He carefully stood up and picked me up and placed me up on the couch. I groaned in pain and he kept apologizing for it.

He left for another room for a moment and came back with more medical supplies. He walked over and placed both his jacket and my jacket over my body. "Can I check your stomach? You got blood on the side right there. Please?" I gave him a yes and he lifted my shirt up barely enough to see an inch of my stomach. "Bullet, the bullet skimmed across the front of your stomach. I'm gonna clean it alright?" He began with the hydrogen peroxide. I knew this would hurt because I've endured that before. Sure enough, it stung so badly. Tears were brought to my eyes. After about five minutes the burning stopped and he put a bandage on that wrapped around my back and stomach. After that he was done and I was quite relieved. "I'm so sorry." He broke the silence. "My name is Nicholas, but you can call me Nick."

I laughed a little because Nick is my favorite name. I've always liked it. "I'm Marion, Marion Wright." I thought I'd give my name too. The breeze got quite cold, but I had to stay here. He asked about how I got my name because he thought it was pretty. I quickly thanked him for the complement and explained I was named after my great great grandmother. She actually went by Mary instead of Marion. I don't like the name Mary, so I go by Marion. "What happened? I don't remember much."

He walked over and poured some water out of the tap. He gave the cup to my delicate hands. "You have to swear that you cannot tell anyone. People cannot know that I saved you..." I shook my head yes in agreement and he continued, "I was literally snooping around the base at 2AM. I should not have even been on this side of the base. I'm a Luftwaffe pilot and so I should have been on the east side, not the west. I heard a man screaming In German. I tried to find out where it was coming from, but found nothing. The air raid sirens blared and I ran out here. I continued on for a quarter mile down the base's fence line until I was able to find your plane. I heard it crash and when I did I ran over and saw the American flag on it. After that I drug your body into this abandoned cabin. I believe this was used during World War Two, and no one has used it since."

I traced his face with my eyes, taking in every detail possible. He was perfectly perfect. His deep brown eyes reflected me in them. His hair looks softer than butter, which really compliments his facial structure. We are both pilots and we seem to understand each other. I'm still not sure if I trust him or not. "Thanks. I am deeply in debt to you. I have PTSD from everything that I saw. It's been odd." There was a long bit of silence between us. I've never felt so comfortable around someone, let alone a guy. Especially a guy in the military. He's German and I love that, but what does he think of me? "So... what's next?" I asked.

He bent down and sat right next to me. Only he was on the floor and I was on the couch. His face was inches from mine, but I felt comfortable with him. "I don't know what's next. Do you speak German?" He asked me. I just responded with a no because I didn't want him to quite know the truth -yet. I let him know that I speak Spanish quite well actually. "Alright. I'll help you get through Germany, but you cannot talk. Your American accent will give it away." He continued, "I don't know when we can get you back to America safely, but until then I can teach you German and be your guide."

I rolled on my side so I could see his face staring back at me. It hurt so bad to even move in the slightest degree. "That's great, I mean I'm willing. It's just that... I don't know what to do at this point." Just then I was reminded of what happened to me back in my home country. It hurt too badly. What they did to me was awful. All it took was one person, one person to damage my reputation beyond repair. That's why I say that a lot of people are indolent and self absorbed. Also known as: not wanting to care for others. Maybe that also even states not wanting to care enough for the smallest things. Life is a darn two way street and if this girl gets emotionally damaged, then I'd watch out. Couldn't fight that time, that's for sure. All because of three men's self proclaiming goodness did my pilot career almost come to a near end.

"We will figure it out." He told me. I could tell he was feeling a little uneasy. "I will be back later. I have to go back to the base or else they will come looking for me. Will you please stay in here, keep the blinds closed, and stay put?" He asked kindly and I politely agreed with his statement. When he left I felt a sense of sadness and pure regret -almost enough to pain me. A part of me felt missing instantly after he shut the door. 

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