I) Marion: Weak Case

Start from the beginning

As I was walking down the corridor to go home I ran into another officer. His name on the tag said 'Anderson'. He was somewhat tall, but a perfect height. I immediately took notice towards his perfect eyes that shone bright in the sunlight that peeked through the corridor. He had longer dark brown hair that barely touched the top fold of his ears. His hair really did compliment the sharp structure of his facial appearance. I noticed he was a lieutenant. It appeared that Anderson was not too much older than me. According to my classification, maybe by two or three years. I didn't notice much more about him until he turned around and helped me up off the cold, hard ground. "I'm so sorry Lieutenant." I tried to apologize in the kindest manner that I could.

His warm hand reached out and pulled me up off the ground so effortlessly. "It's alright ma'm. Actually, you don't have to be sorry because that was my fault. I was not paying attention." His deep eyes stared into mine. I could feel the redness creeping into my cheeks. He looked really good in his uniform, as it complimented his figure really well. There were absolutely no flaws in him or the uniform. "I'm sorry, I should be asking what your name is. I have not seen you around here."

"Marion." That was all I could choke up at first. "Marion Wright. I just got transferred here two weeks ago. I'm the one flying some of these planes around. As for you Mr. Anderson, you're the only guy here who has been kind to me, so thanks."

He took my hand and looked it over to make sure I was alright. "Oh, that is awesome. I am a pilot as well. I know, the people here are so grouchy and rude. They want nothing but gain. I'm Jack, Jack Anderson." He held out his hand so I shook it. People like him give me hope in both the world and this country. With communism spreading fast throughout the west I cannot stop thinking about the outcomes. These harsh outcomes could really terminate the best countries in the world so to speak. At this point the ideology was moving towards the west, the east, the north, and the south. There was no escaping it, it is here to torment. It almost reminds me of what my great grandparents had to endure... their harsh stories about that war... the Second World War.

My eyes wandered to his ranking pins. "Lieutenant, huh?" I thought I would draw attention to something else. These military people are so stubborn, but this guy seems to be the opposite. With each second of interaction I was able to tell that he was easing into the conversation a lot better and it wasn't as awkward. Maybe he was just trying to be nice to me because the surrounding areas had a plentiful amount of security cameras.

"Yes." Was all he said at first. I caught him glancing out at the planes lined up on the apron. Each plane was parked so perfectly along the yellow and white lines marked on the asphalt. I rapidly counted each plane and took a final tally of twenty and five. "I'm getting deployed tomorrow. I see that you have a letter in your hand. That's most likely what that means."

I tried walking a little while watching his actions. My leg hurt quite a bit, but I determined that I was fine. "Deployed? They gave that short of notice. I guess that they have already had 150,000 soldiers die. I mean, what is this anyway? Can't people keep the peace? I guess not. This whole communist thing has me for a loop." I paused and thought about what words I would say. "Right, I do have a letter from the sergeant. That's what you got too?" I felt the wrinkled letter in my jacket pocket. At that moment I was reminded of all possible outcomes... death.

He paced back and forth a little. "Affirmative. It is ridiculous, I know. I got the letter this morning. I'll be fighting frontlines. I'll probably die. The allegiance group are fighters. They don't want anyone to survive. America seems to be on her own because of what happened last year. It appears that communism spreads here a little too fast. That's why they didn't want to put us on the militia law, but that ended up happening. That's when everything broke loose. I don't want to fight anymore, but we're ordered to." His voice was filled with emotion, which caused me to somewhat tear up. I walked closer to him and just gave him a hug. I knew both of us needed it. His arms wrapped around my back and I did the same to him. I managed to touch his hair, but we had to break the hug before some other bullhead of an officer came squandering by. It felt good to hug him, especially since we were both feeling the same way.

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