Sympathy For The Devil

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It was early morning. Rays of sunshine were peaking through curtains, making Meredith and Derek cover their eyes with their hands, snuggling closer together. He was spooning her, his arms wrapped tightly around her, their legs tangled together. He leaned his head closer to hers, nuzzling her hair, breathing her scent in.
"Mm hi," she murmured.
"Hi, are you feeling better today?" he asked, trailing kisses from her face to her neck.
"Much." She turned around in his embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist. He kissed her forehead. It turned into a habit in the past few days. He could feel she loved it when he did that. He wanted to make her feel loved, and he found comfort in it. Sometimes he couldn't believe that this amazing woman, who he found completely angelic was in hir arms, that she was his, so he kissed her forehead for reassurance. He still didn't know where they stood relationship-wise, but for now, this was enough for him. She moved closer to him, burying her head in his neck, and kissing it.
"Do you have to work today?" She asked, wanting to stay in bed with him all day.
"Yeah, I have to. I have some patients I need to take care of. Do you wanna come with me? Maybe we can find an interesting case." He said, caressing her hair with his thumb.
"Yeah, I'd love that."
"Okay, we should get up, take a shower and go." He said kissing the top of her head.
"In a minute." She mumbled, snuggling closer to him.
"Are you sleepy? We can go a little later if you want." He chuckled, astonished by her cuteness.
"Okay." She murmured, almost immediately drifting off to sleep. He didn't sleep. He just layed there, holding her in his arms, feeling every emotion mixed together. He was in love with her. There was no denying it. He didn't think he could ever love someone like that, but she was different. She was so generous and kind, she was so strong and had the most beautiful soul. She was everything he ever wanted and he couldn't wait to tell her that, but he knew he had to be careful. They were moving pretty fast and he didn't want to scare her off. She was already part of his soul, he couldn't afford to lose her. Not now, or ever.

It was around noon when they finally got to the hospital. They had showered together, making love in yet another position. They went to the hospital together but tried to not make it too obvious that they were together, because Nancy worked there and they didn't want to tell anyone about their relationship yet. They haven't talked about who they were to each other yet, they were just trying to enjoy being together and make the most of it. They definitely weren't ready to go under the scrutiny of his sisters, so when he took her hand in his and she let go, he understood why, but it still kinda hurt him.

As soon as they arrived, Derek was called to a patient room. Meredith went with him, hoping it'd be something interesting. The patient turned out to be a serial killer. He was brought in a few days ago, and Derek had done everything in his power to keep him alive, even though he was supposed to be executed tonight.

"CT shows that brain contusion's expanding. I'm gonna get you into the OR right away." Derek told him as they walked into his room and looked at the scans.
"Listen. This brain thing, it could kill me?" a patient asked.
"If we don't treat it, yes." The patient let out a loud laugh. "You find it funny?" Derek asked, irritation evident in his voice.
"I'm sorry. It's just that they're gonna execute me tonight. Just a few hours. Might as well take my chances with this brain thing. Gotta admit, it's a nice way to go."
"You're refusing surgery?"
"Either way I'm going to die, dr. Shepherd. Might as well do it on your watch." He said calmly.
"Mr. Dunn. Swelling in your brain is increasing rapidly. The longer we wait, the worse it gets." Meredith intervened in the conversation.
"Excellent. Go, team." Dunn smiled.

"I strongly suggest that you consider the surgery," Derek said as calmly as possible.
"Have you ever seen the inside of the maximum-security prison?" Dunn asked. "Believe me if you have to die, this is the place to do it, in good company." He said, as he looked over at Meredith.
"Alright. But we're going to monitor your elevating ICPs and do neuro exams hourly. When you go unconscious, which you will, we're going to rush you to surgery."
"You can't do that, can he doctor?" He asked Meredith.
"When you're unconscious, and can no longer make sound medical decisions, a two doctor consent is all that's needed," Meredith replied.
"Oh for god's sake. I'm gonna be dead as a doornail in a few hours. Dr. Grey, please?" Derek didn't pay attention to his words, and left the room with Meredith, but she was still thinking about it.
"He's got a point, you know?" She said as they left his room.
"He's trying to cheat the system, and we're not gonna let him do it." He said firmly, as he walked away.

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