The Begining Of It All

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"Amy? Amy wake up, we're going to be late" Meredith started trying to wake up her best friend but nothing seemed to work.

"Uhhh, shut up, I'm awake" Amelia groaned and snuggled closer to her pillow.

"If you don't get up right now, I swear on my life-"

"Okay, okay, I'm getting up" She lazily opened her eyes and got out of the bed. "I hate waking up early" she groaned again, trying to shake her sleepiness off.

"I think you made that pretty obvious."
"Sometimes I really hate you, you know that right?" They both chuckled.

"Okay, I'm going downstairs, be ready in fifteen or I'm calling this whole thing off." Meredith wasn't too happy with the idea of spending holidays with Amelia's family. First, because she hated holidays. And second, from what she knew from Amelia, she expected her sisters to be judgy, and her brother, the Derek Shepherd, egotistical.

"Stop trying to cancel our plans every chance you get. I know they seem like monsters in your eyes, well, mostly because that's what I told you about them but they're not as bad as you think. Or maybe they are but they'll at least try to pretend they're not while you're around."

"So you're dragging me in New York so you don't have to take their crap all by yourself?"
"Stop that" Amelia slightly chuckled. "We're going".
"Not if you aren't downstairs in fifteen". Meredith was already downstairs so she didn't hear what Amelia's answer was on that, but about thirty minutes later Amelia was downstairs all ready to go.

An hour later they were at the airport waiting, a few hours later they were standing in another airport, waiting for the cab to pick them up to the hotel. Not so long after they were in their rooms, getting their beauty sleep, so the next day they could face Shepherd's interrogations.

Hi guys! Thank you for reading! ❤️
I know this chapter's pretty short but there's gonna be longer chapters I promise, I just needed to start somewhere.

I've had this idea for a long time, but I wanted to finish "Who's The One" before I started writing a new story. "Who's The One's" not completely done, I still need to write the ending but there's nowhere i can go with that story anymore, so I'll probably end it in one chapter.

I have lots of ideas about this story and trust me it's going to be worth reading ✨ It's going to be a long journey, so I hope you'll enjoy as much as I do! ❤️

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