The Night We Met

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It was middle of the night when Meredith's phone buzzed. Usually, she wasn't the light sleeper, and she definitely wasn't the person to wake herself up just because someone thought it was okay to disturb her sweet dreams. But now it was too late. She was already awake, so she lazily opened her eyes and searched for her phone that was resting on the nightstand. She reached for it and grabbed it, reading the name of her botherer, finally answering it.

"What is it Lexie?" she sounded a bit harsher than she meant to.
"Sorry, did I wake you?"
"It's okay, I'm sorry. Did you want something?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to check on you. How was your flight? Are you settled in?"
"Flight was good. I'm at a hotel right now, trying to get some sleep" she tried to make up for her harsh tone with a small joke.
"Okay, okay, I'll let you sleep" Lexie chuckled. "Goodnight Mer"
"Goodnight Lex. Thank you." She said smiling.
"For what?"
"For caring." they both could feel their hearts filling with warmth as they shared this sisterly moment. Neither wanted to say something, nor to hang up, so they just set there in silence, enjoying the moment. Their sisterhood has grown over the years despite their rocky start and neither of them could be any happier.
Finally Meredith broke the silence.
"Okay, Lex, I gotta go, I need to get up early in the morning."
"Okay, Mer. Tell Amelia I said Hi."
"I will. Goodnight."
"Goodnight". Lexie said as she hang up the phone.

Meredith put her phone back where it was, and tried to fall asleep but she couldn't sleep. She was trying to fall asleep for a while, but then she realised she was too awake to go back to sleep now, so she got out of bed and opened her suitcase to find something to wear. First thing she found was a black dress that perfectly hugged her curves. She quickly put it on, fixed her hair and applied light make up. Few minutes later she was walking down the street, trying to find someplace to drink, since it seemed like the only good option for that sleepless night. Soon enough, she saw the bar, colorful lights peaking through the windows. She heard little sound as she entered the bar, going straight to the bar, ignoring the people around her.

"Straight tequila" she said with confidence.
"Straight tequila?" bartender asked looking surprised. "Really? You're gonna be sorry in the morning".
"I'm always sorry in the morning, so keep 'em coming" she smiled softly, not noticing a man slowly approaching her.
"Double scotch single malt, please" he said smiling. She threw a quick glance at him. He was tall, definitely good looking, damn, even hot. He was wearing a red shirt and black jeans. His hair looked perfect and in that moment, while she was slowly sipping tequila, she wanted nothing more but to put her fingers in his dark hair and play with his curls. But that was not what she was planning on tonight. She just needed to get through this night.

"So, is this a good place to hang out?" He asked pulling her out of her thoughts.
"I wouldn't know, never been here before".
"You know what, I haven't either. First time here." he smiled softly as he took a sit next to her. She took another sip of her tequila, trying to ignore him completely.
"You're ignoring me".
"Umm... Trying to."
"You shouldn't ignore me."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm someone you need to get to know to love" he said, flashing his dreamy smile at her again.
"Oh yes".
"So if I know you I'll love you".
"Oh yes".
"You really like yourself, huh?
"Just hiding my pain" they both chuckled, letting themselves enjoy the comfort, brought to them by a complete stranger.
"So what's your story?". He asked breaking the silence.
"I don't have a story. I'm just a girl in a bar."
"I'm just a guy in a bar."

They just smiled at each other. In that moment, they knew nothing other than the fact that they found peace in stranger's presence and neither of them wanted to let that go. So they sat there, enjoying it, until they found themselves getting lost in each other's gaze, so he decided he couldn't resist her pink, soft lips anymore. He leaned closer to her and kissed her, very soft, very slow, but it was just what they needed. Simple act of comfort, just so they knew, that maybe, just maybe, everything would be alright. And than that slow kiss, turned into passionate one, and before they knew they were getting naked in her hotel room, forgetting everything and everyone, and just letting each other relieve each other's pain.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
Sorry for not updating in so long!
And yes, i know i robbed you and i know your horny asses want some smut. Trust me. SO DO I. I promise there will be some, just nor right now✨

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