More gems...

3 1 0

Cocoa woke up early in the morning and immediately put her paw on the gem.
Cocoa kept her paw on the gem as she searched using her psychic ability for other things like it... no luck... she must not have that as part of her ability...
Cocoa was getting bored and took out one of her consoles and played Pokémon fire and ice... were you would enslave Pokémon and force them to battle for you... she found a item on the ground... an odd gem... this looked just like the gems!
Cocoa went to the map screen and saw this was the same as the second map in the room.
Cocoa went to the location that she found the gem In the game and found a real one there.
Feels like Pokémon go... when parents say video games don't do anything good for you...
Cocoa went home and played her games all day long marking the locations of the odd gems on the map.
Cocoa went outside after gathering them all in the game.
Cocoa spent hours looking for the gems and found them all...
Cocoa healed the gems fully after meany deaths and they formed a giant star shaped gem...

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