The challenge

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"Ok to make your challenge harder than the tests that even the 11 year olds take you will be doing fighting before you do the agility coarse... you will fight one opponent each soon leading up to 3 each... then you will be given the option to try to beat me as a team..." Zoroark said... Cocoa didn't want to battle her anytime soon.

First round for Cocoa:

A Riolu entered the stage.
Cocoa figured out this Riolu wasn't Jasper by the fact it's eyes were deeper red and it had a little nub of a spike growing on its chest.
Cocoa growned.
But I'm weak to this type... but no one here seems to know... why? Cocoa groaned... I can't even learn moves that are good against them.
Cocoa stood on her hind legs so she could punch and bite at the riolu's level.
Cocoa was losing by a lot until she was next to the Riolu... when it attacked she jumped to the side... she learned quickly to do this so fast she could attack without getting hit... Cocoa soon noticed her team was watching her... not battling yet...
After a long time she had beat the Riolu and her team cheered behind the glass.

First round for Jasper:

An oddish fell to the ground and Jasper knew this was his challenger.
Since the oddish was small Jasper beat it easily... this was not a long match but the team still cheered... Jasper looked at cocoa in particular... she was booing happily... this was sending mixed messages.

First round for Howl:

Howl could see his opponent drifting to the floor... a haunter...
Oh fudge I'm weak against this... better end it fast.
Howl leapt at the opponent and tried to land a bite attack but his opponent dissipated and re formed behind him and used phantom force.
Howl spun around and fought back with a dark type move.
Howl jumped up but tripped on a rock... his opponent attacked while he tried unsuccessfully to bite it... all part of his plan...
Howl tightened every muscle in his body until they felt ready to burst and he collapsed.
"Howl is unable to get up so the match is forfeited... you can't join the thing early..."
But just then Howl released his bide and the haunter fainted.
"B-but poocheyna can't learn bide..."

First round for star:

Star was put In with a bulbasaur... fighting grass types wasn't exactly her strong suit.
Star was strong though and she focused on staying close and using physical attacks because the bulbasaur can't learn any physical moves.
Star's way of fighting this bulbasaur seemed to work because soon it was laying on the ground.
Star worried since two people would be fighting her next time if she could do it... because if she lost her whole team would have to wait another year.
Soon the bulbasaur could no longer get up... it and the other challengers were sent to the health room.

Second round for cocoa:

There where two people this round.
They were a flareon and a vaporeon.
As you know these are eevee's evolved forms and that gives them better stats in games.
Cocoa however was not willing to give up at the sight of her more advanced stages.
I beat a super effective Pokémon so I will use their strength against them!
Cocoa had devised a plan in the three seconds before the battle started.
She waited to see how they attacked.
Sure enough she was right and they used mainly long distance special attacks.
Cocoa took advantage of that and dodged causing them to hit each other several times... this didn't effect vaporeon very much but flareon looked like he was tired.
The eeveelutions switched tactics to try to confused Cocoa but after they had landed a few hits Cocoa caught on.
Cocoa saw that they were trying to use physical attacks.
Cocoa used iron tail and ran far away from them to use special attacks.
Soon they switched tactics again... but this time cocoa was ready.
Their tactic was to wait for cocoa to attack and then take advantage of it.
Cocoa sat down calmly and eventually one gave up and attacked... but Cocoa was ready and they got launched into their partner and the battle was finally over.

Second round for Jasper:

I know I shouldn't underestimate these eevee's because they are easy for me to beat... but it's just so hard not to.
At least I didn't get their evolved forms like cocoa.
Jasper had used mainly fighting moves but he also threw in the ocasional non fighting move so they couldn't find out his tactic... he was basically doing the opposite of what Cocoa did soon jasper had the two eevee's pinned to the ground... he noticed it was dusk now and they would have to get this challenge done soon.
Jasper was almost done when the female Eevee started to evolve. Then the male.
Soon he had a umbreon and a espeon to fight...
Jasper tried his best but he couldn't seem to pull through.
He was just about to lose when the espeon tripped and it's gem cracked.
Jasper had time to recover from the attacks and he finished them off.

It was night time now and they had to put the challenge to a halt until tomorrow.
"Where will I stay?" Cocoa asked the group.
"You can stay at my house." Howl said.
"It would benefit me and you... no one is really my friend and no one has every visited my house... other than my relatives."
"Ok... thanks." Howl and Cocoa walked home together and soon went in howls room to sleep.
"Don't worry... my parents let anyone in... since they want me to make friends."
Howl's room was completely trashed and it was hard not to step on trash...
Howl placed a sleeping bag out on the floor for her but noticed she didn't want to sleep there and he took the sleeping bag and allowed her to sleep on the bed.

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