The damaged realm

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Jasper woke up in a strange place.
This must be what Cocoa is thinking... I haven't looked since I met her.
Jasper wandered around and saw that this realm was decaying at a rate of one inch a minute.
This could be bad! Jasper thought as he looked around more...
The only way I can get out is her waking up... what will happen if it decays before then. Is this the end of her consciousness? What will happen to her... Jasper touched the decaying ground and it felt spongy.
Jasper wandered for a bit longer before seeing the decaying part was reaching someone.
He yelled out to warn them but no noise was made.
The person turned around and jasper could see that they were Cocoa.
Jasper ran over as he saw they had a grey half and a brown half.
What does that mean? Never mind.
Jasper ran to cocoa but the figure slowly started to fade as the decay reached it.
Jasper ran and grabbed her and brought her away from the decay, but he had touched it. He was also fading.
No matter how much it hurts, you have to wake up! Jasper said telepathically.
I can't or it will be let out. And if it is... it will all end.
But if you don't! We will die! And the world can be saved! There must be a way.
Jasper slapped cocoa's dream form as he saw the center of its paw was now decaying.

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This was the loudest sound jasper had ever made... or heard.
Jaspers final plea seemed to have worked as his vision started fading.
This is either me dieting or her waking up! Jasper thought.

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