Awake and alive?

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Jasper woke up.
Huh? Where am I? He thought as he sat up.
Cocoa woke up.
Huh? Why do I feel like I should punch that person? Cocoa thought, she punched Jasper.
Moon and Star walked in.
Cocoa yawned and saw a tapering black hole with weird roots coming out of it coming from her paw.

Cocoa yawned and saw a tapering black hole with weird roots coming out of it coming from her paw

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Looks like decay... why?
"Hi cocoa and jasper." Howl said.
"Oh... is that what that guys name is?" Cocoa asked.
"Oh... that's what her name is?" Jasper asked.
"What are you guys names?" Cocoa and jasper said tilting their heads.
"Ok... is something wrong?"
"No, why, is something wrong!"
"Ok... our names are Howl and Star... but you already knew that..."
"Jasper... we..." Cocoa said.
"We have to... confine." Cocoa said.
Cocoa's paw started glowing as she pushed it to jasper.
"AHH!!! THAT HURTS THAT REALYY REALLY HURTS!!!" Jasper said fleeing the paw.
This must be... it... Jasper thought.
Why didn't Howl bring me the food... Jasper was thinking this randomly until he saw Cocoa doing the paw thing to herself.
A huge burn was on both of them.
"Hey Howl, Star we got our memories back! Did you bring me food!"
"Aurgh!!!" Jasper charged and gave them mega headbutts.
"What's wrong with your guys arms?" Moon asked.
"I don't know... Cocoa wanted to do something... maybe confine the decay? Maybe that's how our memories came back." Jasper said.
"Bro, thas cheesy." Howl said.
Just then two people came in to visit, fern and thunder.
"Aurgh thunder get out! Fern, come on In!" Thunder didn't leave but fern began talking to cocoa.
"The nurse found traces of poison on your fur, which suggested that the toxicroak on team boss cheated and meant to kill you... or was told to." Fern said.
"Aurgh! Bring me to drip!" Cocoa said.
Fern picked up cocoa and brought her to drip.
"This will only hurt a LOT!!!" Cocoa shoved her injured paw on drip.
"Aurgh!!! What are you doing!!!"
Drip tried to run he tried to hide, no more of that song. He failed and had a x burned onto his head.
"You've been marked." Cocoa said in a creepy voice.
It's still out there. Cocoa thought.
Cocoa, Howl, Star, and Jasper all went to the cafeteria to get breakfast.
"Yes! Bacon!"
They ran over to get in line for the bacon.

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