The gem

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Cocoa stroked the white cracked gem and it turned rainbow and the cracks began to glow.
Cocoa his the gem in her scruff.
Cocoa fell asleep.

Cocoa wandered in her dream realm which was newly separated from Jaspers.
Cocoa saw someone there though.
Huh... Pokémon can't go in other Pokémon's dream realms... how is it here.
Cocoa approached the Pokémon and it was revealed to be mew.
*hello... cocoa...*
"Hi... what are you here for?"
*it's about that gem you're holding... you need to heal it... if it cracks the world will end... but if you heal it by yourself... you will die... it drains your life essence... you need to find more people that turn the gem rainbow.*
"Seriously! You come to tell me to turn the gem rainbow! Don't you know I can't die! I just reappear elsewhere..."
*... no I didn't know... but you need to heal the gems.
"So now there's more than one! Aurgh! This is so annoying! Can't I just get a dream for once that doesn't mean anything."
*not really... because it will come and give you nightmares...*
"Stupid thing... what is it called anyway."
*jerry... but people call him the bLack aura... when he touches the gems... they crack... and if one breaks... you know what that means...*
"Why didn't you hide them better or just make them stronger."
*because we need something for authors to write about... same as with the time gears.*
"Aurgh! Why does everything eventful happen to me! I don't want to be the hero!"
*because you have a strong will... you proved that in the cave when you defeated rain.*
"So if I just died there I wouldn't have to do this... fudge!"
*ok... shut up... just heal the gem... I don't care how many times you die...*

Cocoa woke up.
Cocoa digger in her scruff and pulled out the gem.
This is going to take days. Cocoa thought as she saw the cracks sluggishly healing as she placed her paw on it.
Cocoa yawned and went back to bed with her paw on the gem.
She was in a vast flowery field with no end in sight and she ran around happily... but she felt like she was chasing someone.
She soon noticed that she wasn't in her body... someone was running and she was following.
"Please! Shadow! Don't kill chase! I don't care what he did! No one deserves to die!" The Eevee said.
"Shut up lily! He killed someone! He will die!"
"But in the wild Pokémon die! And rather them die for a worthy cause in the hand of a friend then of old age in the hands of a foe!"
Somehow Cocoa could feel that this event was real... but not fully... maybe something in the past or the future or another dimension.
I have to wake up! To try and stop shadow from killing chase... even though he deserves it... probably...
Cocoa thought and tried to wake herself up.
It must be important... I must need to see the next part... Cocoa payed attention to what was happening and saw a gem in the background.
Oh... I guess I will pick that up on the way. Cocoa thought as she woke up.

Cocoa got up and paced in her room for a while before noticing the map taped to the wall.
Let's see... fields... cocoa soon located the only field on the map, tore it off the wall and circled the field and doted her location.
Cocoa updated her location hourly.
Five hours later.
Cocoa could see a clearing in the trees and she ran.
This is definitely the field from my dreams.
Cocoa picked up the gem, put it in her scruff and then sat in the part of the field that her dream took place in... and waited.
Three hours later.
The sun was setting now and Cocoa could finally hear footsteps in the distance.
Cocoa murmured the sentences from her dreams in perfect sync with the real thing.
Cocoa readied to pounce.
Cocoa could see that shadow was at chase's tail.
So chase is the pikchu... shadow is the mimikyu... lily is the Eevee... cocoa thought.
Cocoa caught shadow before he could do anything... but as lily and chase tried to get away... Cocoa caught them with her psychic ability and moved them so the were all facing each other and in a circle... Cocoa was in it to... willingly though.
"What are you doing!" Shadow yelled.
"Stopping you from hurting chase... shadow, lily what are you doing here." Cocoa said.
"Oh... are you one of Lily's relatives..." chase asked.
"No... but why did you kill someone."
"I killed one of shadows parents because they were pestering my pack."
"I won't allow anymore of that behavior." Cocoa used her psychic to strangle chase until he was unconscious... shadow began cheering.
"Now shadow... when you try to get revenge... you are making yourself just as bad as him... would you like it if his parents chased you down and killed you?"
"... but he had no reason."
"Mimikyu are often hated for no reason... it's terrible but you can't harm Pokémon for what they do to you... or you will be worse than them someday... just like they say: a eye for a eye leaves both people blind... who knows what that means... but I think it's something related to this."
"How did you make us float!" Lily said with admiration in her eyes."
"You... lily did nothing wrong... it's my special power... but if you evolve into a espeon you can do it... you have something special too... you just don't know what it is yet."
"Teach me."
"Shadow stay here or I will have another dream and hunt you down."
Chase and shadow stayed.
Cocoa round a branch and a twig.
Cocoa gave lily the twig.
"If you can't do it... don't worry... I didn't do it until I was dead."
"Dead?! Then how are you here now."
"I re apear elsewhere when I die."
"Thats weird."
"Ok now let's get down to business... focus all your energy on the tip of the twig and yell at it... I find this helps channel it."
"Aurgh!!!" Nothing happened.
Lily continued focusing and cocoa got up and accidentally stepped on her tail.
"AURGH!!!" She let out a scream of pain and the twig snapped in half.
"Good job... keep trying..." Cocoa handed her a stick.
Cocoa gave a example and showed lily her effortlessly snapping a tree and re merging it.
"So I can put the stick back on the tree?"
"Yes if you get skilled enough."
Lily tried very hard but only got a migraine.
Lily paced and tripped.
"OWW!!!" The stick broke.
"Now try it without pain..."
Cocoa gave lily the revived twig.
"Aww back to the twig."
"Try to get really mad or sad or both... those emotions need to be channeled into the ability..."
"Most Eevee Can even break a grain of sand with their minds... your special like me..."
The twig snapped.
"So... where did you come from..."
"I saw you in a dream and came here to get this."
Cocoa held out the gem, which had fused with the other gem.
"Touch it..."
Lily touched it and it turned rainbow.
"Don't touch it!" Cocoa yelled.
"It will drain you life force and you will die... I can only touch it because I re apear... I am immortal!"
"Ok bye!!! I live here if you or you friends ever need me." Cocoa tossed the map to lily and made it float to her paws.
Lily smiled.
Cocoa turned to walk home.
I need to look into those gems... find more...

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