The solution?

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"Okay! I brought spark! What now."
*spark has a body compatible with my soul... he needs to let my soul into his and drink my physical forms blood... but to make it work... he needs to defeat my physical self by the end of today or you will become like me... and no one is compatible for you... we will fix you once this is done by you drinking my blood... that will be the new cure...
"Eww! Why is so much blood drinking necessary?!"
*because it is... sadly I don't get to drink yours though.*
"Was that a threat!!!"
"I hate you so much right now."
*good. I do too you creep.*
"Why am I a creep."
*because you went in the girls dorm to drag me and spark out.*
"Um... I'm the one that found spark... he was in the guys dorm."
*oh... no I found him first... I just didn't tell... you took him and I couldn't find him... so don't take him*
*oh also... spark is going to need a lot of training to defeat it... even if I control his body from time to time in the battle.*
*ok... before you shank me I'm going to just...*
Cocoa poked spark and infused her soul with his.
*also... we will face much worse problems when this is over... also... I told you so!*
*well you better get to training spark.*

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