Stopping the problem you started

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Jasper got up and shook spark awake.
"Come with me... I am going to talk to guild master to get you into the early start challenge."
Two minutes later.
"So you want to put this Pokémon in your team?"
"Yes but he's too young to go without the challenge so..."
"Yes I get it. You two will duel before the challenge though since there is only two and you already are in a team."
They walked to the battle arena and got ready.

Spark vs. jasper duel:

Spark dodged Jaspers first attack narrowly.
Jasper jabbed his fist into sparks flank.
Spark bit down on Jaspers retreating fist.
Jasper flung spark down to the ground and pinned him until he fainted.

After battle.

"That was pretty fast... are you sure he's ready?"
"He has to be... we can't give up now... plus I'm strong."

Round one for spark:

Another Eevee was lowered into the battle arena and spark used swift on it which hit.
The other Eevee used dig and spark used iron tail as it came up.
Both Eevee were tired with little stamina but they continued.
Spark used shadow ball and the other Eevee used baby doll eyes.
Spark used iron tail.
The other Eevee used tail whip.
Spark finished the match with swift.

Round two for spark:

This battle would be much harder and everyone even spark knew it.
The battle began and two diglet popped up onto the arena.
Spark attempted to play wack a mole with his iron tail but he was bad at it.
Spark followed the diglet Into the tunnel and used shadow ball.
The tunnel system began to collapse and all of them were forced to flee.
Spark and his opponents all made it out and Spark used swift.
Spark used a flurry of attacks causing both diglet to faint.

Round three for spark:

Spark was up against three electrodes.
All I have to do is make them detonate so they will faint. Spark thought.
Spark dodged all their attacks and this is what he wanted.
Soon they won't have any energy for those attacks and they will be forced to use explosion. Spark thought.
After two hours of fighting the electrodes ran out of energy and had to explode.
The electrodes were now fainted and spark had won the matches.

After battle.

"Ok next you will do the agility coarse."

Agility coarse:

*i don't want to write this down again so... they won it.*

After thing.

"Okay you have completely done the challenge and will now be put in class... get to class!!!"
The two Pokémon ran to class to avoid being late and they got to their seats just as the bell rung.
They began battle training and this was all that spark needed.
Nine hours later.
The sun was setting and jasper was starting to panic.
If Cocoa doesn't turn back... I will...
Jasper told Spark to do his best and broke the wall of stone with a force palm.
Spark and the Eevee fought.
Spark struggled and this pained jasper to see but spark seemed to be holding up.
Spark began using baby doll eyes rapidly and it seemed to be working.
With the eevee's attack lowered spark managed to get a few hits in it.
Spark used iron tail on the back of its head to knock it out.
Cocoa took over spark body and drank her own blood.
Once Cocoa woke up as herself again jasper drank her blood.
"You know... you didn't have to drink my blood jasper... I was just kidding."
"I hate you so much!" Jasper hugged and punched Cocoa at the same time.
"Hey look! The hole is gone." Cocoa said pointing at her hand.
They all turned to look were the noise came from and saw spark, they all gasped.
"You can talk now!"
"Yah... I learned during class..."
"Did you know since it is the end of the year tomorrow... if we are one of the top 20 we get to graduate to be a full time explorer?" Jasper asked.

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