Prepare for trouble... make it double.

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Cocoa woke up in the forest after a long sleep.
Urgh! Maybe a bed would be more comfortable that right on top of a rock! Cocoa thought.
When cocoa stood up she could feel her legs were numb and she fell over... blacking out.
Hours later.
"Are you okay?!" A Riolu asked.

"Are you okay?!" A Riolu asked

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"63# 8: &8;3... 2(6 +@;5 8 &33" :6 "3*#! (Yes I'm fine... why can't I feel my legs!!!) " cocoa was more concerned then when this Riolu's calm voice first spoke to her.
Wait... how... am... I... able... to... tell... what... he... was... saying... cocoa thought.
"You can tell what I'm saying because I am speaking telepathically and I guess it just automatically translates for you... also... I can read your mind... this is probably one of the easiest ways for you to learn to speak Pokémon." The Riolu said.
Cocoa didn't feel comfortable with someone being able to rifle through her darkest thoughts... like the intrusive ones... what if they jumped to conclusions.
"No... I will stay out of your mind... if you where thinking that... I didn't read your mind..." Riolu telepathically said.
Cocoa was starting to connect Pokémon words to the words she spoke... learning the language...
"So I think there is something wrong with your spine... your legs aren't responding... my dad can fix that though." Riolu said.
"8 5(8;' 85# /3+@7#3 8 #"305 285( @ 49+' )7558;* 8;59 :6 /@+'. (I think it's because I slept with a rock jutting into my back.) " cocoa said.
"Try speaking pokemon... or no one will understand what you are saying... unless they are talking telepathically." Riolu said.
"Oke bat how did speak telepathic back..." cocoa said.
This language was odd to Riolu... but more understandable and he replied.
"I don't know... speaking telepathically back to me... it must be you ability... can you read my mind?" Riolu said.
Cocoa tried but failed and replied with a simple.
";9... no."
Riolu continued carrying cocoa to what she thought must be his dads house.
I hope he doesn't act like a creep... since he's a guy... Cocoa thought remembering how creepy guys could be.
Two hours later.
Cocoa's back had been fixed and it had finally stopped hurting so she got up.
"Where are you going?" Riolu asked.
"Wherever my feet take me... and sleeping at night." Cocoa said surprised that she had magically learned how to speak Pokémon.
"I'm sorry... but I can't let you go out alone..." Riolu said following Cocoa.
"Go away!" Cocoa yelled...
"I thought you weren't like the other guys! I thought you weren't a creep." Cocoa yelled.
"I read your aura and I'm pleased to say that wasn't some cringy love statement." Riolu said.
"Follow me." Riolu said.
"Fine...' Cocoa said with a growl.
"Oh... I have been rude... I haven't told you my name... it's jasper."
"Ok... mines Cocoa."
"Ok this is w- WHAT!!! ITS GONE!!! Please help me find it..." Jasper started pacing.
Shadows formed above them of two small Pokémon... one was pink and one was blue.
When the Pokémon jumped down from the trees Cocoa could tell immediately that they where a shiny jumpluff and a normal one.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"Make it double!"
"Um what was it again... oh right. To protect the world from devastation... nah never mind the moment is gone."
"Um hi... we found a backpack here and we picked it up and found some weird stuff in it so we fiddled with it while we waited for someone to pick it up..."
"Ok thanks." Jasper said grasping the bag.
When the jumpluff's left Jasper said.
"I found this yesterday on the beach and I brought it here... there is stuff I've never seen before in there..."
Cocoa and Jasper walked home for a while... before Cocoa said.
"Hey that's my backpack!"
"Prove it!"
"Read my mind then." Cocoa yelled.
Sure enough it was cocoa's bag.
Wait... how did I not know that at first... do I have amnesia... ok first test... who are my parents... ! Cocoa was shocked at the fact she didn't even know her parents names but she didn't mention it.
They soon got to Jaspers home and Jasper asked his dad if Cocoa could stay for a while.
Jaspers dad agreed and Cocoa and Jasper went in bed... much to cocoa's discomfort... the same bed.
They were facing head to toe but Cocoa couldn't sleep with stinky feet in her face so she turned around.
The next morning.
"OWW!!!" Cocoa punched Jasper in the face before noticing he was still asleep.
Cocoa continued punching.
"Get... off... My... EAR!!!" Jasper was still biting her ear when he woke up.
"GET YOUR MOUTH OFF OF MY EAR!!!" Cocoa yelled.
Cocoa and Jasper went their separate ways and Cocoa wandered the forest as Jasper went to school.
Cocoa was in the forest when she heard a voice.
"Hey kid! Shouldn't you be in school!" Cocoa tried to run but the adult grabbed her and put her in the school.
Cocoa yawned but people started looking at her.
Cocoa could see Jasper talking with two other people... a poocheyna and a rockruff.
Cocoa decided she might as well introduce herself and she walked up to them and said.
"Hi my name is Cocoa... what's yours?"
"Hi Cocoa... I believe we have met before... seems like you learned to speak Pokémon... my name is howl" the male poocheyna said.
"And my name is stardust... cheesy right? You can just call me star." The female rockruff said.
"Ok... so what were you talking about?"
"We wanted to make a team but when your under ten you can't unless you have four people and complete the challenge exam."
"She could join!" Jasper said.
Cocoa death eyed Jasper and said.
"You don't get to say that."
"Does that mean no?" Star looked sad.
"Yes... JUST KIDDING!!! I WILL JOIN YOUR TEAM!" Cocoa and the rest had to walk to the zoroark that led the guild.
"So I believe you want to join... age..."
"7." Howl said.
"8." Jasper said.
"7." Star said softly
"6." Cocoa said feeling self conscious because she was the youngest.
"Ok tiny tots." The zoroark said looking at Cocoa...
"You will enter team name and members here and leader here... with a paw stamp for the leader signing."
Cocoa tripped and both of her inky paws were on the paper... on the leader signing part and the team member part.
"Who said you could be leader!" They yelled.
"Ok... so you have chosen the youngest to be your leader... ok... I can see potential in team pitch... NOW GO TO THE CHALLENGE ROOM!!!" Zoroark yelled.
Cocoa led the team into the challenge room... she knew where it was from one of her Pokémon games.

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