The speed.

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"This test will take speed and balance, if one person falls off of one of the three courses then you will lose."

Agility test number one:

The team readied themselves for the worst despite their bodies still hurting they stood strong.
the coarse turned on and their was all kinds of things.
"Remember don't touch the ground."
They all ran the coarse together.
There was a bridge with log and gaps between them the logs would roll you off if you stayed to long... and if that wasn't bad enough on that bridge their where boxing gloves spring loaded to punch you off the coarse.
Everyone but Cocoa was across the bridge when Cocoa got hit with on of the gloves.
Cocoa plummeted but they were surprised they didn't get stopped until they noticed Cocoa wasn't touching the ground... she was holding on to the long and climbing across.
"Need some help?" Star asked holding out a paw.
Cocoa reached for it but fell for a second before managing to grab it.
The team continued the test and were met with a invisible laser course.
"This is a test of common sense... if you touch a laser our whole team loses."
"Hey look!" Jasper pointed at some talcum powder and they threw it in the air... revealing the lasers.
They all carefully avoided them while holding their breath.
Soon they got to the next part... it was both speed based and a puzzle.
There was tiles on the floor and you would arrange them to make a photo.
They rushed and soon heard a dinging noise to tell then they where done with that puzzle.
They sprinted to the next challenge which had you walk on a balance beam as balls where thrown at you.
With a little struggling they passed that test.
The final test was a swimming pool filled with foam squares, you would have to find the much smaller square made of pure gold and bring it back... but you had to do this all without touching the spikes on the edges of the pool and the ground.
The roof had spikes and was also getting lower at the same time.
Jasper went to the exit and waited for someone to need up.
Howl struggled to get through the dense pit of foam he couldn't see anything and he wasn't going to find the gold without seeing it so he gave up and waited with Jasper to help successful teammates up.
Cocoa and Star were working together,
Cocoa and Star saw the bottom of the pool but noticed there was no spikes so they looked around and saw a small trap door with a silver handle.
"Wait out here to let me out..." Cocoa said.
"Ok." Star replied struggling to open the door.
Cocoa was in a weird room filled with water and she held her breath.
Soon she saw a large chunk of gold that weighed 50 pounds.
Cocoa struggled to swim up and she couldn't breath.
After a while cocoa's face was turning blue but she had reached the door and head butted it... but it didn't open.
Ten seconds later.
Cocoa's vision was darkening and blurring when the door finally opened and she was pulled out by star.
Cocoa and Star hauled up the gold just as the spikes almost grazed their fur while climbing out.
"You almost died... but you passed! Welcome to the guild! Early start. Passing this test means that you are more skilled than most of our guild children despite your age... and that is a gift. Good luck being an official team. We expect you at training every day or we will kick you out."

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