Sweet dreams...

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Jasper woke up and his mouth tasted bad so he brushed his teeth but collapsed.
As jasper went unconscious he heard someone say something.
"This is why you don't mess with panpour... sweet dreams..."
Jasper soon woke up... he could see... but he couldn't move, he looked around at his surrounding and saw he was in a dorm.
Soon jasper figured out he was in the girls dorm... someone must have dragged him there.
Two hours later.
Jasper could move now and he got out and started looking for a exit. Jasper was unsuccessful and he saw some of the girls waking up so he his... not wanting to seem like a creep.
One of the girls approached his hiding place and opened the drawer that he was in.
"EWW!! GET OUT YOU CREEP!!!" They said use it bullet punch and slamming his head with a book... knocking him out... since he was still" drugged from whatever that person did.
Jasper later woke up and immediately said.
"It's not what it looks like!!!" But no one was there... this was meant for two hours ago...
Ahh!!! I'm later for my battle class!!! Jasper sprinted not wanting to be absent and get his team kicked out.
Jasper got marked as tardy but that was all.
All the girls... even Cocoa were passing him notes that said, PERV!
Jasper sighed and frowned at this bad impression.
The next day.
The same thing had happened this night and Jasper was not having a good time, so this time jasper had a trick up his sleeve... he pretended to pass out and fought the person that had done this the past two days and tied them to a pole.
The next morning.
Jasper decided that since the female weren't as mad today he could tell them what the truth was.
Soon he did and everyone except Cocoa believed him.
"Cocoa! I've known you for a long time and we're friends... why don't you believe me?"
"Because I don't creep! Words can be lies."
Jasper looked sad.
Cocoa walked to class.
Today was battle training again and the matches were about to start.

First match: team boss vs. team spirit.

Team boss: finch the fletchling is a male, dart the sunfisk is male, drip the panpour is male, and frisk the toxicroak is male.

Team spirit: lily the lucario is female, brick the rogenrola is male, tweet the pikipeck is female, punch the machamp is male.

Team spirit started off strong but it was obvious team boss was cheating the rocks would go up to trip team spirit but by the time they noticed this it was too late and they were exasperated for all the tripping and the dodging and the attacks so they lost.

Jasper was mad about this but at least he could end the team.

Second match: team copycat vs. team pitch.

Team copycat: Mimi the mimikyu is female, dot the ditto, dilly the ditto, ditto the ditto.

Team pitch: jasper the Riolu is male, Cocoa the Eevee is female, Star the rockruff is female, Howl the poocheyna is male.

The match began with a ding... but despite this not being team boss's battle the rocks were moving to trip team pitch... it worked the first time but now the team knew what was happening and knew which rocks would move.
The team avoided those rocks or led the other team to them.
Cocoa noticed a eye hole in the ground and saw a eye through it.
Cocoa used sand attack on all the eye holes she saw and soon the rocks were motionless.
This was when the battle really started.
These people weren't as strong as the people in the early start challenge so soon they were all defeated except for Mimi the mimikyu. Mimi dodged ever attack and when she did get hit she was too stubborn to faint.
Mimi was special... Cocoa could tell.
Just then Mimi used thunder shock.
Wait! Mimikyu can't learn that! I knew it. Cocoa thought.
No matter how much team pitch beat this mimikyu down it would never faint and soon team pitch was tired too.
After a long time of battling team pitch we're all fainted except jasper who defeated Mimi.
The match was done and everyone went to the healing room where they were magically healed.

Third match: team boss 2 vs team petal.

Team boss 2: grunt the ditto, grunt the ditto, grunt the ditto, grunt the ditto.

Team petal: oddish is male, oddish is male, oddish is male, oddish is female.

Team boss 2 was also cheating but in the end team petal quickly one... this was the shortest battle yet.

Final match: team boss vs. team petal vs. team pitch.

Team boss was clearly aiming for team pitch but both team pitch and team petal were mainly aiming for team boss.
Cocoa narrowly dodged a hit from finch and jasper was hit several times by drip.
Jasper used aura sphere on drip as Howl dodged dart's attack and Star attacked frisk.
Cocoa used iron tail on finch and howl used bide.
Drip and dart teamed up on jasper and whispered something in his ear.
Jasper was unfazed and used their moment of weakness to use force palm on both of them, this flung drip into Star who was startled but managed to rock blast him back to jasper who force palmed him over to Cocoa who bashed her head into his and left him fainted.
Star went to finch and began using rock throw as finch tried to use peck but couldn't get close enough.
Cocoa was handling frisk and soon frisk was fainted.
Howl and Star slammed their enemies heads together, causing them both to faint.
Now all that was left was team petal.
The oddish were easy to defeat because they had experience in defeating them. They were also small.
Soon all of team petal was fainted... but so was cocoa.

After the battle.

"We should go take Cocoa to the health room to use the healer." Jasper said referring to the thing that instantly heals them.
"Yah... we should all go there... especially her." Star responded.
They went to the health room to get Cocoa checked on.
And the health room teacher said she would stay overnight.
"I'll stay with her... make sure nothing happens." Jasper said.
"Ok, we'll make sure drip doesn't cut the line! We can bring you and her some food, if she wakes up." Star and Howl said in sync.
Jasper spun a coin around like a top and did other things to entertain himself but it was too boring so he closed his eyes held out his paws and gently put them on Cocoa.
"Let's see... the nurse can't find out... the healer can't heal it... let's see..." jasper murmured as he could feel himself leaving his body.

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