The second incident

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Jasper woke up to see he was in his dream realm.
Jasper walked around to see he was in a small enclosed room, but he could feel movement on one of the walls.
But no one can be in dream realms except you...
Jasper punched the wall and caused it to break.
Jasper saw cocoa and felt a different feeling now... a ominous one.
Jasper pounced on cocoa and began pounding.
"What are you doing to COCOA!!!" Jasper yelled and punched harder.
"Get out!" Jaspers scream sent the walls of this small room crumbling all around him and cocoa.
Yet Jasper continued.
*it's not going to work.* jasper turned around to see Cocoa... the real aura of cocoa.
"Wh-what's happening."
*My confine spell didn't last forever and it found us... it will go for the weakest souls first and you will be trapped in your realm... it will join with this one... do you see... your realm is merging? You need to stop it from happening by today or your body will be controlled like mine now is. It will kill and you will be blamed. Once the blame is passed you will be punished.*
"So what should I do!"
*there is no stopping it... but you can slow it... until I... can... bring... spark... to... this place... until then confine me! Confine!*
Cocoa burned jasper's arm again, but this time he knew what it was for... it was to slow the spread.

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