The challenge part two

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Cocoa didn't wake up in the bed she left in... but instead a lake.
Just like the lave lake I swam in... same shape and everything...
Cocoa examined her surroundings for a while and she felt confused.
I woke up... how am I still in the dream? Cocoa thought as she could see similar thing happening in this more realistic world... but instead of the monsters it was her team members.
Cocoa leapt up and attacked the beast, but it was too strong for her... it was too strong for anyone.
Cocoa felt the need to do something and she found a hollow stick in her scruff.
She blew into it and it made a flute noise.
But how... it has no holes... it couldn't even be a recorder...
Cocoa's instinct was correct and the stick did serve a purpose... she saw serval Pokémon in the distance running to help at very fast speeds. It was a: mewtwo, eevee, aloha raichu, starmie, joltik, torchik, pikachu, togipi, oddish, pykumuku, and another oddish... this was a weird but helpful occasion and they defeated this best and Cocoa... let's just say got to use the stick again.
"I vwill svuck vour vblood." She said mocking a vampire as she did... that to the monster.
"You finally woke up! I noticed you were leaving the room and I followed you... you were sleep walking and you were under the lakes surface for three hours straight so I thought you died or got lost... so I called these guys to get you." Howl said.
Now Cocoa felt a little guilty for attacking the monsters in her dream when she saw bruises on her friends... not from the big monster.
They recovered their health somehow by eating a bunch of berries.
They went to their challenge to finish the job... now that it was much earlier in the morning then they had started.
"We want to resume our challenge." The team said.
"Ok." The zoroark said.

Second battle for howl.

I wasn't planning on any tricks this time... I almost got kicked out last time...
This time there where two Pokémon on the battle field going against Howl.
Howl dodged the first ones attack but got hit by the other ones.
Like bullies Howls opponents kicked him back and forth until he couldn't stand it much longer and he started glowing red.
Star muttered in the background. "He can't stand it when people act like bullies... because everyone expects him to be one and judged him for something he doesn't do... he also saw a kid die from getting bullied once... so he gets like that."
Now the Pokémon Howl had been fighting were fainted and brought to the medical wing.

Second battle for star:

Star got into a battle stance and shivered.
They all know that if one of us loses and makes up have to wait a year it's me... I'm the weakest... i have nothing special about me... Jasper can read minds... howl can unlock great power and knows bide... poocheyna can't learn that... and lastly... no one ask how I can tell... Cocoa is human...
Star letter herself take hits while she was deep in thought.
Soon star snapped out of it with a little cheering from Howl and she was back on track.
*The pressure is building...*
Star ignored that annoying thing and she continued fighting and she could feel it in her bones that she would win this fight.
And star was right and she soon won the fight and the opponents went to the medical wing.

Third battle for cocoa:

This is my last battle and then the pressure of letting my team down will be lifted... cocoa thought with a grin.
And I will win. Cocoa felt stronger... as if it was that annoying voice from her dream.
You know I was just lying to get out you know... im not going to help you.
*then I will make you.*
Everything went black.
Cocoa regained control and took a deep breath before opening her eyes and looking at her surroundings...
Good... I didn't break any rules.
Cocoa thought that... until she saw her opponents the trio...
They were badly wounded and shivering.
The zoroark walked in.
"You broke the un stated rules of the game... but I am willing to give you a second chance because of the way your eyes looked... yah lame but there was no soul in them when it happened."

Third battle for Jasper:

After what happened during Cocoa's battle I need to be carful to stay on the judges good side...
Jasper looked around and noticed his battle was starting.
I guess I could try a new style... if I mess up... I look dumb if I succeed I will have done something great.
Jasper closed his eyes and felt the aura of his opponents.
One was timing so Jasper assumed it would stay far off... which it did and Jaspers tactic was working...
He was picking the three foes off one by one until there was only one left... both were about to faint with his reckless tactic and the next hit could end it all...
Jasper poked his opponent sending them falling to the ground fainted...
Wow... that was so stupid!

Third battle for howl:

Howl was ready for this battle from the beginning and he stretched before dodging a attack from one of his three opponents.
Howl soon decided he would use his ability to end this battle before he could make a stupid mistake.
Soon after the glow died down sure enough the battle was over and howl was the victor.

Third battle for star first person:

I don't know why but I feel something very bad is going to happen in to seconds...
Pain corded through my leg and I collapsed to the ground to see once I pulled out the silver pellet that it was dipped in poison.
I could feel the poison corse through my veins before I collapsed.

Forth battle for howl as substitute for star:

Not this again... we'll star is my best friend and it's this or not have a team...
Stars match seemed the hardest as if it was picked to make star have less control of what happened but soon with howls special power he got it done.

After the battles.

"If you guys want to challenge me later once star I healed you can... you also have to wait for her for the agility test too." Zoroark said.
They all moaned.
"This is going to be sooooooo boring!"

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