Putting out the fire

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"Drat! I don't want to kill people!" Jasper accidentally said aloud.
Jasper was relieved to see the only person he woke up was spark, who didn't know how to talk yet.
Jasper walked over to the girls dorm room.
Better get in and out with Cocoa fast! Don't want to be that creepo.
Jasper grabbed cocoa and ran, her body was still fast asleep.
Jasper dragged Cocoa outside and struggled to build a wall of stone around her that was sturdy enough to last a while. He also put stone on the floor so no digging could be possible.
It will target the only way to stop it first, so I better go to spark.
Jasper went over to spark and joined his dream.
This will temporarily combine our dream realms and that will make his combined with cocoa's.

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