What lies inside part five

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They were now on the crusty fifth floor and none of them seemed exited. The whole group seemed exhausted from all the walking they had done.
"We'll I guess it wouldn't hurt to rest... thunder you stay on guard for the night... and if you fall asleep... even if nothing happens... IMA SHANK YOU!"
Thunder shuddered and build a tower in the center of this place while the others fell asleep he had to guard.
Thunder was so tired and he wasn't thinking straight after a while so he decided to take a little nap.
When thunder woke up he was relieved to see everyone was still asleep.
Thunder saw a Pokémon approaching the group and he jumped down from his post and attacked it.
Soon the Pokémon was defeated and thunder went back on his post.
The next morning.
Thunder wasn't tired due to his little naps... but none of them knew about that.
Snow led the group over to where the next stairway would be... but it was just a hole... so they all had to just down uncomfortably.
"Why did it have to be gone..."
"I don't know... maybe sandstorms wearied it down.
"Maybe but if I could shank sandstorms I would... they must be so annoying... not being able to heal!"
"They are... take that from someone lost in a dungeon for years."
"Years! Will we get lost!"
"No I know the way out now."
"Or do you........."
"Shut up thunder."

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