A bad feeling

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They had finally got to the front of the line, but there wasn't any food left.
"Sorry we're all out, drip said he was bringing some to you."
Sometimes I wish I could cut in line. Cocoa thought having to start the day off hungry.
They trained for a while and everything was going fine except for their hunger, which they took out on drip, until something happened, something that had never happened to them before.
Cocoa feel to the ground as one of the battles started and stopped breathing for 5 minutes and then began floating.
"It's coming!" She said with her eyes white before falling to the ground again but her opponent finch was still attacking her.
"Cocoa is unable to move so the winner is... finch!" The teacher announced.
"That was so unfair, she collapsed before he even attacked her. It wasn't even her fault."
Jasper cringed at the hole in cocoa's paw and decided he would cover it so he put foam in it and put a Eevee colored glove over it.
Five days later.
Cocoa woke up and walked to the cafeteria... also known as the mess hall.
Cocoa got some food and saw a small sickly shiny Eevee peering through the window.
Cocoa walked over and opened the door.
"What are you doing out in the rain." Cocoa asked.
"Oh... are you newborn, where's you mother? Are you abandoned? I don't know my mom or dad either."
Cocoa noticed this Eevee was very thin.
"Oh, do you want some." Cocoa set down her plate so it could reach it.
I guess missing another meal can't be too bad... Cocoa thought.
Once the little Eevee was done Cocoa asked.
"What's your name?"
"Oh... do you not have a name? I will name you... spark, as in sparkle because your fur does that."
"I know you aren't a guild member but I can sneak you into my dorm... and yes I know you are male."
Cocoa put spark in her backpack and carried him until dinner.
Cocoa had saved her fork from lunch and during dinner she let the Eevee eat part of her food.
Cocoa felt like she was slowly wilting away without food but it was worth it.
Cocoa went in her dorm room to go to be, where she had a shower curtain around her bed for privacy.
Cocoa took sparkle out of her bag and onto her bed and she noticed he was shivering so she covered him with the blanket and put her not injured paw on his head.
Cocoa fell asleep.
The next morning.
Cocoa woke up to see that Spark was gone.
No...no... NO! Cocoa looked everywhere for spark until she found him in the dressing room getting dressed in someone's clothes.
"Hi spark! You know you don't have to wear clothes."
"? Warm things..." Spark pointed at the clothes.
"Oh... your cold?" Cocoa asked and put a blanket in her backpack.
"You will be able to take the challenge test someday to get into the guild and then you won't have to be hidden."
Spark was now in her backpack and she walked to breakfast.
She picked up breakfast and said.
"Today is our first mission!"
Wait... if we get kicked out for breaking the rules... only four people can be in a dungeon at a time... meh.
Cocoa took spark out of her backpack and put him on her bed with her video games.
That should keep him from wandering off...
Cocoa went on the mission with her team. This mission was supervised and was set in a very well explored dungeon so they wouldn't get hurt by finding something new.
While they were on the 6th floor jasper noticed something... a crack in the wall with aura coming from it.
Does that mean someone's in there? Jasper thought and decided he would check.
It's not like the dungeon could collapse, because when you leave it regenerates. Jasper thought and used aura sphere on the wall.
There was now another small room in the cave. When the team left jasper stayed to look in this undiscovered room.
Jasper saw a large treasure chest but he couldn't pick it up.
Jasper turned around to push it... but he was surrounded.
The teachers must still be following the team! Jasper thought as he cowered back.
Jasper built up his bravery.
The only way I'm getting out of here alive is fighting!
Jasper fought but he was losing because of the number of people he was fighting.
Oh please mew and arceus, and god Pokémon, save me!
Just then as if sent from mew a certain shiny Eevee appeared.
"W-who are you?"
"Spar- k."
"Please help me!"
Spark even though he was still sickly and shrimpy... probably only level one went in and copied jasper.
He must have learned something from being in cocoa's bag during all those classes because after a long struggle they had won.
"You did great!" Jasper praised.
"G- rate?"
"Never mind." Jasper said because this Eevee obviously didn't know how to talk very much.
Jasper dragged the chest along with the help of spark and put it in the seemingly magic bag that could fit anything.
After a couple of hours they caught up to the group who were looking for them.
"Look who I met!" Jasper exclaimed trying to show spark but he was gone.
"Jasper, are you okay?" Cocoa asked.
They continued their mission but Cocoa fell over for a while.
Cocoa started floating again.
"It's almost here!" Cocoa said with white eyes before falling down.
After a while of carrying cocoa she woke up.
They soon found the lost Pokémon and battled the boss and got out of the dungeon.
"Yes! I was starting to think that dungeon would go on forever! I just want to open this treasure chest!" Jasper said.
"What treasure chest?" Howl asked.
"Oh... when I was missing... I found a new room and it has treasure."
Zoroark must have overheard them because they heard.
"Prove it!" As zoroark took their auto mapping map.
Sure enough it was true and Zoroark said.
"Good job! We will have some real explorers look at the room. In the meantime you should let me open that chest for you." The guild master turned into a different Pokémon and crushed the chest.
"S-so much gold!" Jasper said.
"This is enough to make us have more than the max limit of money."
They went to the cafeteria and saw the time.
"Aurgh! We missed lunch!" They all lined up for dinner and soon got it.
Jasper had all the gold except a few bars in storage.
Jasper saw spark outside.
"Oh... hi... do you want in?"
"? Shh..."
"Oh... are you not allowed... it's ok... I can sneak you in..." jasper snuck the Eevee in and brought it to the table.
Not willing to sacrifice any of his food he went to the shop and bought some food for spark.
"You should take the challenge test soon." Jasper said.
Jasper took spark into the boys dorm and wrapped him carefully in a blanket and offered him a pillow.
Jasper hugged Spark and fell asleep.

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