She bumped the paparazzi in the shoulder, as she walked past him and Edith scorted her to the car. When she finally entered, Edith closed the door behind the teen, before entering in the pilot side. 

"That comment was so out of place... Are you alright, Y/N?" Edith asked, as she turned on the car.

"Yeah, just a little startled, that's all." Y/N sighed, adjusting herself in the back seat to put on the seatbelt. "Can we just not mention anything that happened to my mom? I don't think she'll be happy to hear that I was fighting with paparazzi, again."

"As you wish, Y/N." Edith nodded, driving out of the mall.

"Thank you, Edith, and can we stop for something to drink on our way? The fight got me a little thirsty." Y/N asked, getting another nod in response.

On their way home, they picked up some drinks while the sun set on the horizon. Hours passed and they had been stuck on the highway traffic for a while now, and Y/N was getting late for the party, so she opted to change her outfit in the car and put on some light make up with what she had in hand, completely unaware of the exterior world.

When she arrived at the party, she walked through the front door with a kind smile on her lips as she greeted whoever she passed on her way, whether it was her aunts' friends or some family members. Including her grandparents, whom didn't show too entusiastically of greeting her. But Y/N didn't care, she knew they weren't so fond of her, so she kept on walking, until she finally located her aunts by the bar.

"Oh, there you are, Y/N! We were starting to think you wouldn't show up to the party." Ashley joked, as she pulled her into a warm hug.

"Ashley! You're squishing my favorite Olsen." Mary-Kate complained, as she yanked her out of the hug and pulled her niece into her own arms.

"I thought I was your favorite Olsen." Ashley grumbled with an eye-roll, taking a sip from the drink in her hands.

"You are too, sometimes, just not right now." Mary-Kate chuckled.

"Uhm... I can't breathe over here, besides you're crashing your presents." Y/N over-dramatized, as Mary-Kate let her go of the hug with a laugh. Y/N pulled two small boxes from her purse and gave one to each of them. "Happy birthday, aunties! Open them when you're alone."

"That's suspicious, but thanks kid." Ashley nodded, with a smile, as her phone started to ring. "If you excuse me, I have to take this."

With that being said, Ashley walked through the crowd as she answered the call. Mary-Kate put her arm around her niece's shoulders and gave her another side hug as both started walking outside the house.

"So what's been my problematic niece into these days?" Mary-Kate asked, as Y/N let out a nervous chuckle.

"Not much, you know, the usual." Y/N played it off, with a small smirk.

"So fighting with paparazzi again? I see." Mary-Kate joked, shaking her head playfully.

"What? No, no, no... Of course not" Y/N widened her eyes, not wanting to admit anything and get herself in trouble.

Mary-Kate shot her an 'I know everything.' glance in response, that made the teen sigh. "Well... yeah, how do you know?"

"It's all over the internet by now. My manager sent us an article a while ago. Thanks for defending me, by the way, that was a great birthday gift, but hitting paparazzi? That was way over my expectations." Mary-Kate laughed, as Y/N covered her face in embarrassment.

"Over the internet? Shit, no, I didn't hit him, more like bumping." Y/N explained as she stopped walking.

"Mhm... yeah, the video shows otherwise." Mary-Kate added, with a more serious face, as she pulled her phone and opened up the article that contained a video.

Mother/daughter one shots: EO, WM, SJ, NRWhere stories live. Discover now