S1 Chapter 12: Beating Eggman Part1

Start from the beginning

President: Y/n, good to see you. Sit down.

Rouge: Over here. I saved you a spot, handsome.

Y/n sat next to Rouge.

Y/n: Just know, I'm only sitting here because I hate you the least out of everyone here, Rouge.

Rouge: Whatever you say.

Commander: The power generators for Eggman's base are located under the tower, Mr. President.

President: Oh.

Commander: This information came to us from Rouge, Topaz and Y/n.

President: Well, Rouge and Y/n, I'm glad my confidence in you two wasn't misplaced.

Rouge: This spy stuff is right up my alley.

President: We're all very grateful. Now, let's review our attack plan.

Man: Right.

Topaz: You're taking all the credit, I see.

Rouge: Y/n here did do all the attacking.

Y/n: And Rouge's nimble movements did help a lot.

Rouge: That means a lot coming from you.

Topaz: (scoff) Get a room.

Pieces that looked like boats and planes surrounded the Eggman base diagram model.

Military advisor: It'll be a two-pronged assault from both sea and air.

President: Hmm. Yes, but what if Eggman's robots counterattack?

Military advisor: These forces are merely a diversion. Eggman will deploy his robots against this frontal assault. Meanwhile, a special forces team will approach the island from the opposite side and sneak into the base from the rear. Once they break into the generator room, they'll cut off Eggman's power supply.

Man 2: They'll be backed up by a team from the Intelligence Agency including Rouge, Y/n and some other agents.

President: Good.

Topaz: How come they get top billing?

Commander: You know how it works, Topaz. There's a star in every show, sometimes two. We're just bit players.

President: Now, on to the subject of Sonic.

Man 2: We're ready to capture him and force him to work with us.

President: Well, now, you see... I sent someone to try a more diplomatic approach.

Man 2: Who, sir?

At the Thorndyke residence.

The President's aide was at the front door along with two other men and Ella opened the door.

Ella: Good day, sir. Oh! You're the President's aide.

Aide: Is Sonic at home?

Sonic was laying on the roof.

Ella: I don't know. Who's he?

Aide: I'd like you to let Sonic know that I didn't come here to capture him. I simply came at the request of the President to ask for his cooperation. You should also tell Sonic that if he does agree to work with us, he'll be rewarded. The President gave his pledge that Sonic and his friends will be offered citizenship, and they'll be paid for their services.

Ella: That's all very nice, but I don't think I know no Sonic.

Aide: We know you know Sonic... Ella.

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