WM & NR: Paprikash.

Start from the beginning

"Don't need anymore help?"

"Not right now, I need to chop some vegetables and you're way too little to do that."

"Then yes, mommy. I'd like to draw something."

Natasha smiled back to her, her heart suddenly feeling full with the nickname. She gave her a couple of paper sheets and some crayons before going back to the recipe.

The comfortable ambient between the two continued for about 40 minutes. Natasha cooking Wanda's and Y/N's breakfast while Y/N was drawing and reminded Natasha, at least every five minutes, to add more paprika to the pan, until Natasha's phone started ringing.

"I have to take this. Don't go near the stove, it's off but still warm. Keep drawing." Natasha instructed, taking the call and walked to the balcony to talk privately, not even noticing the quick nod from the 4-year-old.

Minutes passed by and Y/N only grow curious about the pan on the stove and how much paprika was actually in there, because by the smell of it, it was not enough. So she carefully walked there, but before she could even attempt anything with the dish someone scopped her in her arms.

"What are you doing, baby?" Wanda asked curiously, giving the 4-year-old a kiss in the head. "By the way, smells amazing in here"

"It's paprikash!"

"Oh, I thought you didn't liked it." Wanda adjusted her daughter on her hip, as she rummaged in the drawers for a spoon.

"No, but it's your favorite... and mommy said it would lift your spirits and it would cure you. That's why we did it" Y/N shrugged.

Wanda looked at her surprised, because of the new nickname she had called Natasha. Before the sokovian could even investigate where did the nickname came from. The russian Avenger walked back into the kitchen.

"Well... looks like the surprise is ruined." Natasha chuckled, shaking her head.

"Sorry love, but you kind of gave it away with the smell. Can I?" Wanda smiled, refering to the chicken.

"Go ahead, babe. It's all yours." Natasha nodded, leaning on the nearest counter.

Wanda took a bite of chicken and sauce, while both, Y/N and Natasha looked at her waiting for her final verdict.

"It's good. It tasted like home... I must say it did lift my spirits, so good job, babe." Wanda walked to her girlfriend to give her a quick peck on her lips.

"But..." Natasha trailed.

"I don't know what's in this, but it's definitely not paprika. It's the intention what counts, tho." Wanda chuckled, after taking another bite of the chicken, earning a laugh from Natasha.

"Mommy, you forgot to put the paprika... I told you a lot of times..." Y/N pouted. The russian kissed her head.

"Sorry hun, silly me forgot it. I'll remember to add it next time. Did you finish your drawing, yet?" Natasha asked, as Y/N nodded, taking it from its place in the counter.

"It's us in the park. This is mama and her powers." Y/N spoke signaling a brown-haired stick figure with red hands. Causing a curious smile on both Avengers.

"This is me and Calipso" Now she signaled a shorter stick figure carrying a stick blue monkey, next to Wanda.

"And this is mommy. I didn't forget your red hair and your guns to fight the bad guys." Y/N pointed proudly at the other stick figure with red hair and guns on her hands. Making Natasha chuckle.

"That's awesome. I love it. I think it's worthy of being on the fridge." Natasha took the drawing and stick it to the fridge, causing a proudly smile on the 4-year-old.

"Why don't you go wash your hands? Because your waffles are almost ready."

As soon as Y/N was back in her feet, she sprinted to the bathroom to do what she was told.

"So... you're mommy, now?" Wanda asked, taking Natasha's hand into her own.

"Yeah, don't ask, because I honestly have no idea where that came from." Natasha shrugged, taking out the waffles from the waffle maker, and putting the paprikash in plates.

"I like it. It suits you. I can't think of anyone else who deserves that name, after all you've done for us." Wanda admited.

"I wouldn't want it any other way. You both deserve the best." Natasha smiled proudly, giving Wanda a kiss in her head. "Also she asked me to carry her."

"Woah, I'm gone less than an hour and suddenly my daughter gets comfortable around you. What did you do to her?" Wanda joked, kissing Natasha's cheek, lovingly. "I'm glad both my favorite girls like each other."

"Me too. Now go sit. I'll bring our breakfast and then we could cuddle and maybe watch a movie." Natasha offered, taking the three breakfasts to the table.

"Weren't you going to the Avengers meeting?" Wanda sat at the table, where now the 4-year-old was waiting for them.

"Steve called. Everyone in the team, except him and Bucky, got the flu, so the meetings are cancelled until further notice." Natasha sat beside Y/N, taking a bite of her own paprikash.

"Good for the super soldiers." Wanda rolled her eyes, taking another bite from her breakfast.

"If you're staying with mama and me. Does that mean we can watch a movie together, mommy?" Y/N directed her question to Natasha, who nodded. Already feeling comfortable with the new nickname.

"Yeah, we can, but first breakfast."

After that, the three spent the rest of the day cuddling one another and watching a marathon of animated movies picked by the youngest sokovian.

Mother/daughter one shots: EO, WM, SJ, NRWhere stories live. Discover now