Grace of Fire

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"Why the Fuck are we here?"

"Well Duh! Lantern City has been in our bucket list for ages!"

Mei Sparkled. Her eyes Glancing around the Crowds of people Happily Doing their stuff and the city Decorated in Such Beautiful Lanterns.

It's like back then. Where he Tagged along with them for the mission of Finding the third samadhi ring and reuniting it. "Sister really did Reverse back the order. But there's a huge change" he mumbled and Mk Bumped on him "Huh? Did you said something Red?" He Blinked and Red son Fumed at his Face and pushed it away.

"Peasants! Just get over with it and Do your Grocery list!" He yelled and Irked once the two laughed at him. "Idiots Do you know Ladybone demon?" He Blurted out and Mk and Mei looked back to him raising a brow.

"That's Bao'er isn't it? She said it'll be her Alias and the demons we've fought seems shaken hearing that name"

"Yeah! Pretty suits her though since she literally killed that Halloween event last year!"

The two nods and Red son Sweatdropped at their Response. So Shen is not kidding she really did go all out and Destroyed the life of the Bone Demon in just a Flick of her fingers. And then just boom, the whole Order is restored and With it She tweaked a few things and just straight up said Ladybone demon doesn't exist In this new Order.

"Do not fret My Dears. I'm in charge of power and This Time. Even a legend of her will be Erased in the minds of every living being"

Shen smiled, patting The Shadow Demons Hand Macaque Leaned down and then nods "what are you whispering there?" Red Irked and so is Nezha. "Few Things to Discuss about The Tombs New Area. Anyways You boys want to go and play Cards with me?" She smiled and Immediately Summoned out a card game making the three look at their lady In suprise.

"She's Powerful as wonder Monkey king doesn't want to Mess with her..."

He mumbled and Followed behind the two Idiots who's busy rambling. "So do you remember that Time Spider queen Invaded the city and Venomed Everyone?" Mei Asked and Mk Gasped.

"Yeah! That Sucks and She even Beated Monkey king!"


Mk and Red son Exclaimed and the young Boy sighs at the Memory. Well the main reason why as to how That woman Took the city down is because of a certain Bone Woman playing weak and using her as a Pawn for her Destiny.

"Yeah That sucks but I dunno man. Somethings off like There's still things that happened"

"It's just your Mind playing Monkey tricks Noodle Boy."

"Do you know Something Red?"

"No. Now What do you have there?"

Directing the conversation Elsewhere Mei showed them a Toy gun and Grinned "cool right? It's pretty huge for a toy gun— Oh shit That's Strong" the toy did shoot and That Bang is very concerning since The bullet is  literally of plastic.

"Vendor How much for this Plastic?"


Blinking at the Red Haired Boy. Mk and Mei Gasped as they watched Red son Talk with the Nice Vendor guy. "The plastic Toy gun? Eh It's Cheap just 30 Yuan. the bullets are freebies so it's yours" He smiled and Red son Inspected the toy from back to front, he then nods and Smacked his Money to the counter.

"D— Did you just buy a Plastic Toy gun?"

"Yeah and here we thought you like metal Guntlets and Flaming Bombs"

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