The young Lord of Samadhi and the Lady of the north.

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"It's been a while since we've visited here..."

"Precisely, oh and why the bull clones?"

Red son has Stopped infront of the Fortess entrance and The first thing Shen saw is the Bull clones lining up infront with a red carpet. "Ah shit. Did they seriously put the red carpet there?" Red son Grumbled and Shen Took off her Hat. 'My my they must've really prepared for our arrival ' knowing Demon bull king and princess ironfan are Demons with perfection. Especially in family matters. It really must be Perfect and Red son on the otherhand felt overwhelmed by the amount of Exquisite Things that's Literally shining Infront of them.

Snapping his fingers the bull clones flinched and He Glanced to them. "Carry the stuff in the trunk. And be careful with the Cannisters. You might die in Seconds" He Exclaimed and Shen Pinched his Ears making him yelp. "Now now. Don't Scare the poor Bull Clones they're just doing a fine Job. Anyways Go on the Cannisters are just full of spices" She smiled and The Bull clones Blushed in joy.

I mean she's the nicest one out of the Demon bull family who glares 24/7. Who wouldn't get scared?

"They're here!"

"Hurry and Put those On the back!"

"Clear the dust! Quick!"

As they Entered the large Living room, Shen Dusted off the sand on her dress and sigh. They really crossed the desert lands again and To be honest it's annoying especially if the Sands get stuck on her dress. "I suppose you've arrived safely with no Annoying Simians Blocking your way?" Princess ironfan Smiled and Red son Sighs.

"We arrived Smoothly Princess ironfan. Thanks to a certain Fire User" shen Chuckled and Red son Puffed out a smoke. His Cheeks Bursting pink as the certain event flashed in his mind. "I—Well! Yes! Of course!" Red son Chuckled and He Glared to His sister who's only Smilling at his Embarrassed face.

While Driving In the Desert the Sand got Splashed on his Face and Out of annoyance he Bursted out his samadhi fire making the sky a bit Red and Their Speed increasing rapidly.

And because of that. He Blurted out. Well maybe sweet and adorable Word that Shen may keep for the rest of her Immortal life.


Red son Screamed, his eyes flaring out as his Hair bursted fire. Shen Flinched and She Glanced to the sky who turned a little redish due to Red Son getting pissed.

She's gonna be fair here she's Afraid of his Samadhi fire. Well because one. Both of them are powerful. Two his samadhi fire can burn Her Powers and Three. Red son is Pissed if theres something that Annoys or angers him.



He Glared and Four Samadhi rings bursted out making shen Chuckle. "Calm down Candlelight It's fine I can just Dust this off—" Red son Irked and Shen Yelped when their Speed Increased rapidly.


"R-red son Calm down Sweetheart—"

And Thus Shen Clinged to her life and  prayed that Red Son would calm down.

While Finishing other things, the two heads for dinner and When They did Red son Raised his chin up and Confidently faced his father. He even Glanced to his sister if she's doing the same thing while Facing his parents.

And Shen did. She is Confident and Red son Found it admirable. "How are you and your new Companions on the north?" Princess ironfan Asked and Shen smiled. "The castle Became Lively. And Well....little Red is getting comfortable there as his second home" She Grinned and Pinched his Cheeks. Red son rolled his eyes and Continued on Eating his Food and noodles. "Really? Well that explains why My son Didn't come home for a week straight" Ironfan Grinned and His father Opened an eye and looked at his son.

"I still Have to Fix some things mother and Maybe staying in the North will help"

"Was it because of your sister hm? Well then what about you my dear?"

"With his Sister by his Side that is Fine. But Is there other reason why you have to stay there?"

Demon bull king Exclaimed and He Flinched at his father's sharp eye. "'s because of my fire" He Sighs, and Gripped his chopsticks. It feels like he needs to Stay there due to his samadhi fire being OP as fuck. And Also Shen can monitor him and Train him with it.

"Your fire?"

"His Samadhi Fire My king"

Shen cleared her throat and Like a Nostalgia Princess ironfan and Demon bull king Spit out their Water and Coughed it out.

"I-I forgot about that"

His father Mumble and Shen Chuckled at their Expression. "As for you daughter. Are you sick? Your Appearance changed So Drastically" Blinking at them Red son looked at her and she Touched her Face. "Ah well...this Is my True form Princess. My You guys Might have been used at my white hair" She laughed.

"I'm capable of Protecting myself now. But some certain Shadow demon and A Third Prince are just so Stubborn and Kept on Saying I must Stay back and let them do the Fighting"

"Nezha the third lotus prince. Now I'm questioning as to how powerful my daughter that she even managed to tame a celestial Being that Guards the samadhi map"

Demon bull king Smirked and he crossed his arms. Princess ironfan seems Pleased to it too knowing she has two powerful children's. I mean she could Scream It to the whole Celestial world and Smack it to their faces that she has two kids that's Powerful enough to destroy the whole Heavens.

"You have no idea how Powerful Sister is." Red son Snorted and a flash of Past memories made him Grin. I mean who wouldn't? he's raised by A Villainous family and He's Good with murder.

"It would be Beautiful if you Let us See your Abilities"

"Maybe Next time Princess. I might destroy the whole Forstress down"

Shen Chuckled and the couple Glanced to each other. Making Red son and Shen raise a brow "you've been calling us Like that for years Darling." Ironfan Exclaimed and Shen being a Confused idiot she is Blinked.

"Please. Mother and father will be nice and Oh. Who knows We might give you spoils"

"Pri—I mean Mother. Ehem. I'm too old for spoils and If you did give me one I might as well share it with Red here"

Smilling at her Daughter's Slightly red Cheeks Princess ironfan Pinched her Skin and Shen Only let's her. Well she's not entirely Hurt by her Pinch Crushing strength. "Whatever you say. Now Back to you Red son" She Beamed and Oh boy Red son knows that look.

"I got The photo album right here! Wanna See love?"

"How did you even have—is that Shen?"

Demon bull king gawked and The two instantly became busy fussing about the album.

"Is this what having a Parents looks like?"

"Get used to it sister. You still haven't seen other parental shit they have."


[That one Idea of having a dinner with the Demon bull family? Why not? I need to see Princess iron fan and Demon bull king being parents to their two OP kids]

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