I Am the Lady of This House.

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Idea 1:
Mk and the others reaction to the castle being filled with people that aren’t just the anomaly crew

[Alright I gotchu Homie]

"Wheres Red son and Shen?"

"I dunno Man. I've been Circling around and even asked Princess iron fan and Bull king if they saw them."

"They should be right?"

"I mean yeah"

Yesterday has been Chaotic since literally Mk,Mei and Shen Teased Red son till he Exploded pink. Princess iron fan has also Told them to stay for the night so here they are In their Pajamas with the Sun Up.

"Should we go and Look around again? We're stuck in our room for like. 25 minutes"

"Let's go! Who knows maybe Shen and Red son are out for a Stroll!"

Nodding The two arranged their room first and cleaned things up. Once they're done they locked the door and Calmly Walked through the Fortress hallways. "Oh look it's Princess ironfan!" Mei Gasped and they skid Happily through the Demoness who looks like she just woke up.

"Goodmorning Princess Ironfan!"

"Huh? Oh it's you brats. What's with the Loud voice this Morning?"

"Uh actually we woke up Early and Were wondering where's Shen and Red son?"

Mk asked and Ironfan Awed as she now Shook off her drowsiness. "Hmm of course. They are at the back of the Fortress. Say how bout you Dears come along with me? I'm actually going there anyways" She yawned and the two Shakes in excitement as they Cheered following the Demoness Like a Lost puppy.

And while Preparing herself. The demoness cannot help but watch the Two energetic kids Run around and Stare at the Huge paintings they have. "Yoooooo! Look at these Paintings! It's so Huge!" Mk Laughed and Mei Tugged his Jacket as the two Looked around. "HAHAHA Red son Looks So Innocent here! Look at him!— Oh wait might as well take a picture with that" Mei Laughed and Grabbed her phone and took a picture with it.

"Woah Someone painted these?"

"Why yes you Brats. Pure Paintings are Much better back then"

Ironfan Huffed and Rolled her eyes as she fixed her hair. Such occasions is that They Prepare for everything. And Paintings are part of it. "Let's Go you Brats." She Sighs and The two followed her outside the Castle.

Once they did They saw Red son Burning absolutely everything from his path. While Shen and Demon bull king are On the sidelines watching him go Rampage and Blast everything away with his samadhi fire.

"What the heeelllll"

"Are they training Red son?"

"Seems like it"

Standing Beside the two. Shen smiled and The two Cheered once they saw the tall woman "You're getting good at Your Agressive Fire Power Dear" Shen Exclaimed and Red son pants.

"I'm not done yet now Am I?"

"No. Like I said We will push that fire of yours to full power"

Grinning. Princess ironfan and Demon bull pushed the two behind them as Shens Red eyes Glowed. Watching their daughter use her power the couple Grinned as They felt proud seeing the two Par in each other's abilities.

Daily Dose Of Love [Monkie kid]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora