Unexpected Reward

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"Look It's not your fault, none of it okay?"

Taking a deep breath, Red Son Glanced to Bao'er whose Clinging to him with a Teary eyes and Her Snotty nose. She's been crying and He's gotta Comfort her with his best and It's not like it's their fault for dropping the Tube. "As long as you're alive then it's Good. You're a Mortal with a bit of ladybone Demons Abilities" He Pat's her back and He Sighs.

"But You said you need that Tube"

She Mumbled and Red son Laughed "Well yes I need it since The Vehicle we'llbe using needs upgrade. But It's Fine I guess.....I can make another one" He Nods and Looked at Nezha Who's busy interrogating the Criminals. The two didn't kill them since They need answers as to where the hell is their Hideout and How can then sneak inside the Castle way too easy and even managed to steal Red sons explosive Tube.

"Maybe Putting too much samadhi fire is Too Extreme. I should Make Seperate ones"

Mumbling Red son Nods and Grabbed The young girl who's Done Crying. "Are you done now?" Wiping Out Her tears She Nods.

"Yeah I'm good"

"Well then Go and Have some water. Your nose Is red"


'I have come here and How Suprising That Those two Want to see me'

Shen has Been Happily Babying Macaque and The Shadow Demon of course can't help but feel like a King Being taken care of His Queen.

But The the Butler has told her that Red Son Needs her as soon as possible since It's so Freakin urgent. Shen can Hear his Cursing all the way through the Hallways.

Opening The Door, Shen Stared at The young boy who's Hair is on fire and His Face Colored In Pink. "Mother! I was Not! I can Take Care of myself!" He Shouted and Shen Glanced to the Hologram Screen.

Ironfan and Demon bull king whose Talking to their son and of course Ironfan being a Tease she is making her Boy Turn Pink.

"Sure Darling, You know you have a bad experience to Fire"


Realizing what she Said, Red Son Fumed and His Samadhi fire Bursted. God his mother is really testing him! Okay he knows He has a bad Experience back then since his samadhi fire Growed way to early. He's a baby back then. AND he almost Burned The whole World down.

But this time He has nothing to worry since he has the power to control the Five rings.

"Look mother I know. I know. Just let's Put that aside for now since Back Then I was still a Weak ass Baby"

He Sighs, Rubbing his Face his Samadhi fire Calmed down as the Four rings Vanished behind him.

"As for your Older sister How is she? She may be A Quiet Child but She's too Good to Be left"

"That Girl is too Cunning. Calling her Good is Way too Impossible"

"Aw come on my love you know She's Intelligent. You even took a liking to her"

Watching his parents talk back and forth he Flinched once Shen Took a seat Beside him. "Sister. I didn't noticed you" he mumbled and Shen Chuckled at his Suprised Face. "Blame Shadow for being a Baby." She Whispered which earned Red son a Laugh.

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