The power Bun that Bao'er shared.

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Staring at the young girl Busy reading some books and Scrolls Shen Hummed, Bao'er noticing her Gaze she stopped reading and  Blinked "is there something that's bothering you my lady?" She asked and Shen Stopped Drinking her tea

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Staring at the young girl Busy reading some books and Scrolls Shen Hummed, Bao'er noticing her Gaze she stopped reading and  Blinked "is there something that's bothering you my lady?" She asked and Shen Stopped Drinking her tea.

She Cleared her throat and Smiled "Ah well....the way you tie your hair is actually pretty..."

"M-My Bun?"

Bao'er blinked and Immediately the young Girl Sparkled in joy. "The Butler actually Taught me how to tie my hair like this! He says that my hair should Resemble a Powerful woman so he always makes sure that the Bun should always be Perfect!" She Beamed and Shen Chuckled at her Ethusiasm.

"C-can you Tie mines too?"

"With pleasure My lady!"

She Grinned and hurriedly Summoned out alot of hair ties and some pins.

It took a lot of Patience and Brains to figure out how to tie Shens hair since obviously the lady has the most longer hair unlike her. But in the end Bao'er Figured it out and The young girl Happily Danced around in joy finally being able to see Lady Shen in her Hairstyle.

"Woah To be honest my lady you look Pretty tall and powerful with that Hairstyle!"

"You could say that the Bun adds more Power and Height"

The two Chuckled and out of nowhere Macaque Opened the door and saw the two girls Busy Sharing their own hair ties and pins. But seeing Shen with a Bun like Bao'ers Hairstyle he can't help but immediately Bombarded the young girl and teach him how to Do it.

Since he wants to do it too if His Lady wants to Tie her Hair.

It takes a lot of practice and patience especially if Shens hair is long not like last year since her hair back then is short. She felt bad about it and was planning to cut it again but Macaque Insisted even Red son. A reason is‐

Red son: no! Don't cut it! Your hair is already Perfect how come you want a short ass peasantly hair?! Just look at you! You resemble our mother!

Macaque: don't even try it— Keep it this way I rather tie and comb your hair in this Length. Keeps me At peace....

So in the end she kept it like that and Let the two demons Play around it Even Bao'er is Taking the chances of Tying her hair or combing it Whenever she has the chances.


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