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You stand with Takemichi, Chifuyu, Kautora and Baji

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You stand with Takemichi, Chifuyu, Kautora and Baji.

You're not sure when the Chifuyu and Takemichi got acquainted, especially since Baji and Kazutora are on Tomans' side, but you're not complaining. This'll help the storyline continue in a similar path.

The fight isn't scheduled to start anytime soon, so you're just chilling on a broken car that has no tiles.

Closing your eyes you reminisce about your life from before. Your childhood wasn't bad, you were what you call normal. Average grades, normal school life and normal friends. The thing that set you apart from being completely like your pairs were your parent relationship.

There was no abuse and no extreme fights. But, that was the problem, there wasn't anything between you and your parents. Hardly any communication, verbally or mentally. The day you died was the only time you had actually talked to them for more than 1 minute, but it wasn't even talking at that point. It was simply pointless yelling.

You sense someone approaching you, you warily open your eyes to look at the person.

It's Kisaki Tetta.

Sitting up you tilt your head to the side, a gesture you have when asking for them to talk. "The fight's starting in about 10 minutes, so I thought it would be a good idea to get to know each other," he said.

You really weren't in the mood to communicate, sometimes it just takes too much energy, energy you don't have. But seeing as you have no reason to deny, you nod and gesture him to sit next to you. While yes, he is the villain of the story, getting him to reform or change sides would be amazing, he's very smart after all. If he truly reforms and finds out about you knowing the future, he could do much more efficient problem-solving than you.

"I heard you can't talk, can you tell me how you became mute?" You freeze, was he aware you weren't physically mute?

'No.. calm down, there's nothing to go on as of right now.' You look him straight in the eye and start writing stuff down.

He's smart, so he should know what selective muteness is. 'I'll just create a half lie.'

Showing him the paper he reads it,

'I'm not fully physically mute, I was born with anarthia and growing up suffered from trauma, it improved as I grew up but I got used to not speaking so it just stuck with me.'

He reads it, eyes narrowing more, he continues to pry, "What was the trauma if you don't mind me asking." The last part sounded fake, as if he was demanding an answer. Looking down you write stuff down, this time they weren't full lies.

'My father would abuse my mother in any way possible, as a result, my mother slit her throat in front of me.'

Kisaki reads this and looks at you suspiciously, but decides to shut up for now.

But you continue to write one last note. When you finish, instead of showing him, you shoved it in his hand and left without giving a single glance back.

Standing up you leave, feeling chills from simply being in his presence.

The note says ;

'I know your true motives. Kisaki.'

You want to creep him out, put him on edge. You need him to know that you're the one in control of the situation. Because you can still tell that Kisaki still wants Hina. But the thing is, he doesn't know your motives. He doesn't know what you're thinking. He doesn't know anything about you. And the thing is, no one does.

Seeing Takemichi and Chifuyu talking, you walk towards them.

"And over there, that's the Haitani Brothers. They're the rulers of Roppongi, they can summon 100 men with a single call."

"100 men?!?"

You tap on Takemichi's shoulder, scaring the poor boy. "UWAH!! Oh, it's only you Y/N.. you scared me."

"Hmm? Oh, yo Y/N!" Chifuyu says waving happily at you. The protagonist felt chills up his spine, he didn't realize you were anywhere near them, he couldn't sense you, but the two are in an open space! 'Y/N must be really good at hiding her presence.'

"Anyways, the brawl is about to start, let's go where everyone else is."

As you three walk to where Mikey and Draken are, you feel multiple eyes following your figure.

"Look, it's the new member of Toman, I heard he's strong enough to rival the Invincible Mikey."

"Really? Heard he bet up over a quarter of Moebius while being on their shoulders and heads!"

"He has a nickname now, I hear he's called the Vanta Void now."

Holy shit. Since when did you get well-known among delinquents, and a nickname?! Not to mention Vanta Void sounds fucking badass. Though, in the anime you remember seeing them talking about Mikey, so them talking about you made you a bit uncomfortable.

"Time to introduce the fighters!"

The giant metal doors open, revealing Toman.

"Tokyo Manji Gang!"

On the other side, the same happens.


Holy shit are you nervous. You already affected the entire timeline now, what happens here could be completely different from the canon anime and manga.

Mikey walks forward, everything dramatic as usual. His blond hair sways in the wind as he walks confidently while shirtless to the front.

"It's Mikey."

"The invincible Mikey!"

Mikey starts talking, "Hansen-kun. Thanks for agreeing to oversee this today." The said guy scoffs, "If this fight sucks, I'm taking you both down."

"Representatives from both gangs, step forward!"

Draken and Chome walk forward. (I just chose a random captain from Valhalla according to Wiki okay-)

"A five-on-five with your best guys... Or an all-out melee with everyone. What do you guys wanna do?"

"Valhalla brought this fight to us. You guys decide."

"Hey, you guys gonna fight he-"

Chome punches Hansen in the face and then again on the stomach. 'So far, Chome is doing everything Kazutora's supposed to do, interesting..'

Draken sweats, looking at the now limp body.

"Give me a break. Overseeing the fights? Conditions? You guys come here to play house or some shit?

We came here to beat the shit outta you until you're dead!"

"Wanna get this shit started already, Mikey?!" Damn, he sounds hot yet deranged.

"Let's go, Toman!"


"Kill 'em all!"

"Kill 'em all!"

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