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Your head aching, the throbbing sensation spreads throughout your entire body

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Your head aching, the throbbing sensation spreads throughout your entire body. You really didn't want to open your eyes, but you have to know where you are.

You're laying on something soft, so you assume it's a futon or a bed.

Begrudgingly, you peel your eyes open, your visions blurred, it takes a while, but everything eventually becomes clear enough to see. What you see is a simple ceiling, looking to the side you see someone there with there back facing you.

Platinum hair, tan skin and earrings...

Wait a fucking minute-


Your jaw drops, just as you're about to say something, you only just realize that you can't talk. You're debating on what you should do, but before a decision is made, Izana turns around and sees you awake.

"Oh, you're awake."

You blink, feeling extremely awkward but Izana's unfazed, he's unfazed by basically everything. "I'm Kurokawa.. wait, no.. Sano Izana, you're in the Sano household."

Once again, all you can do is blink. Yes you're body is in pain, but you're more worried about whether or not they know that you're.. a female at birth.

But for some reason, Izana catches on to you're freaked out expression, "We know you're physically a girl."

'Oh shet.'

"But only Shinichiro and I know. We didn't tell anyone, it's not our secret to tell. I'm sure you have a reason for hiding it." Your eyes sparkle, 'I didn't know Izana was this trustworthy T-T.'

You stare into his lilac eyes, they're so bright, yet so dull and lifeless. And also, why does all the characters look model-worthy?!

In Izana's point of view however, he's lost in you're E/C orbs. They look so full of pain, not entirely physically though. It's like you've seen death countless times, yet a look of pure determination is written all over your face. Yet again, going back to your eyes, what kind of pain did you go through? Is it even possible to look like that? Mentally exhausted, physically and emotionally hurt, lifeless yet so full of life?

The two of you just stare at each other, admiring the others' features, thinking about how the other looks perfect.

"Okay I'm ba-"

Shinichiro walks in and freezes mid-sentence after seeing a split-second of his younger brother and you giving each other goo-goo eyes.

Fake coughing to release the tension he walks over to the futon you're in.

"I've brought some new bandages as well as a notepad and pen just in case you wake up, and you did! You've been unconscious for 8 hours, it's 2pm right now. We couldn't find you're parents phone number, they must be worried sick."

Blinking you're stature falters slightly, the two notice, upon realizing that you either didn't have parents, you didn't like you're parents or didn't have a good relationship with them, they immediately shut up about that topic. "Ahem, anyways, I'll need to change the bandages on you're ankle, you put so much effort into hiding the fact you're ankles were twisted that became a sickly purple."

While saying that he takes a seat near the end of you're futon, he peels the blanket off of you, you're wearing different clothes, a white shirt that goes to you're thighs and loose blue pants, you're mask is no where in sight however. Tilting your head you grab the hem of you're shirt and give Shininchiro a questioning look.

"Ah.. you're wearing my old clothes, and uhh.. I did change you.. b-but I didn't look I swear!"

You nod in understanding, your guess is that Shinichiro wasn't aware you were a girl before changing you. Shinichiro visibly calms down at your calm demeanor. But you weren't calm, oh no.. you're in a experiential crisis, torn between drooling and fangirling or freaking out and mad.. not that you mind him seeing you na-

Izana stares at you two blankly, neither of you notice but he feels left out, 'I'm not even related to the Sano's and they're already doing so much for me.. I need to stop getting so jealous..'

That thought clouds his mind, he tightens his grip into his palm, not noticing the blood starting to ooze out.

Like always, he brings his hand up and stares blankly at it. If you didn't know better, you would've thought the palm of his hand had possessed him or something.

As Shinichiro continued to carefully wrap you're ankles you simply admired his features, his soulless eyes, messy hair. Ugh he's do fine! Not to mention his hair isn't gelled which makes him so much more handsome. Unbeknownst to you, Shinichiro is panicking about you staring at him.

'Is there something on my face? Is my hair ugly? Am I ugly? I know Y/N's so much more handsome than me but do they really have to stare because I'm so ugly?!'

Izana finally stops staring at his hand right before Shinichiro stood up, he casually put his hand back down, causing the blood to smudge against the floor.

"Kay I'm done, Izana, can you watch over Y/N a little longer? You guys can get to know each other in the process." The said boy simply nods and watches as his older brother gives you a pat on the head and walks out.

When he looks back at you, he sees you making a gesture for him to come closer. He frowns slightly, realizing that if he comes closer, you might see the blood stain. He hesitates before finally caving in and makes his way towards you while also attempting to shield the small puddle of blood with his body.

When he sits down right next to you, you give him a friendly smile, to which he returns.

What he didn't realize was that you did see him grip his palms so hard that they started to bleed, and that you did see the blood stain. He realizes that when you swiftly grabs his hand and observe the small open wounds. It's silent for a while until you grab the extra bandages Shin left before he left.

Being very careful, you wrap the bandages around his palm in a calculated manner. Izana gets upset seeing this, 'How often do you wrap bandages?' He saw the hundreds, probably thousands of cuts littered on your body as well as the countless rolls of bandages you used to cover them up, but they were all wrapped messily, no real care put into it. So why were you so careful with him? It's not like he deserved it.

Finally finishing you draw back, his orchid eyes meets your E/C ones. "T-Thank you.."

Your eyes widen, 'Did he just thank me? And stutter?! OKAJDJQJDNNQDHQQOMQD!'

One thing you realized was that despite looking more sane, he stills has a look of a broken person. So you did what anyone would do in this situation.

You hugged him.

You hugged him

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