CAT LOVERS ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

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"who needs april fools when my entire life is a joke."


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You aggressively slap your palm on my phone, because of the fact you now have to take care of myself, accompanied by another fact that today is your first day at a public school since your past life. You have to prepare breakfast and lunch for F/N.

You grab your phone and grimace after seeing the time. 5:30am.

Your head makes contact with the pillow again, wishing time would stop. Mornings make you feel like the walking zombies the maids said you were, 'Maybe they were right. And how the hell does Mitsuya do this every day since he was like, idk... 8?!?'

Despite your inner protests, you knew that staying huddled under your piles of fluffy blankets forever was not a choice, unfortunately.

You sit up, stretch and yawn. Because it was so early, everything was pitch black. You could only make out very few shapes you make your way towards the bathroom by memory.

Grabbing your toothbrush to start your daily routine of brushing your teeth, washing my face and taking a quick shower.

You're about grab your uniform before you pause, empty eyes taking in the countless scars littered across your naked body, your hands especially from picking up glass.

Shaking your head to get rid of the painful thoughts, you crouch and open up the cabinet under the sink to take out your first aid kit. Taking out multiple rolls of bandages. Because receiving hundreds of small injuries every month is the norm for you, treating every single one is bascially pointless, so you just bandage them every time you go out (yes, it's expensive but money isn't a problem here)

After bandaging your arms, hands, torso, neck and part of your left leg, you put on fingerless gloves as well as your clothes for the day, which in this case is your new school uniform.

You squint, 'Why does this school uniform seem so... familiar?'






'Oh well,'

You're wearing the boys uniform, at first you found it rather annoying because talking to the principal was nessicary to wear something different then the uniform they expect you to where, but it turns out he's a really friendly and allowed it without asking for too much personal information. You were also given a special 'late slip' for P.E class since you had to change after everyone left.

'Sure wish I was born into a family with a father like that.'

Along with the gloves, you wore a black mask accompanied by an over-sized black hoodie over top of my uniform.

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