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pain. that was the only thing your body could register, unbearable, excruciating pain.

'So this is how I die.. trapped, and physically twisted in ways a human body should never be..'

your vision starts blurring, 'thank goodness, I'll pass out soon.. this pain, is the worse pain I've ever felt.' now that was saying something, pain wasn't unfamiliar to you in any way, but this, this isn't something anyone should ever go through.

my memory flashed before me, specifically what happened right before my current situation. I left home at night after an intense fight with my parents. you were crossing streets blindly, not caring that you were slowly getting lost, not caring if you got hit by a vehicle.

but then god apparently went, "i see, well i've had enough with your bullshit, so your wish is my command." and then bam.

a giant truck rammed right into me at full speed.

i could feel my breath slowly becoming more and more shallow, your final words being not what you'd normally expect, "i wish.. i could've watched that new anime... i heard it was.. soo....... go.. od..."

and those, were your last words,

in this life anyway.

in this life anyway

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EXTINCT VANTA | TokRev X FAB!Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt