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"Chotte matte!"

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"Chotte matte!"

Hina's sudden voice stops us, looking over, you see Hina confidently strutting through the crow.

"Gomen.. I'm a little busy today-"

Raising her hand, she completely ignores Takemichi and..



Everyone's eyes widen, all silently praying that she wouldn't get hurt, while you're whistling in your head. She grabs her boyfriends' arm and she drags him away, "Don't let these people bully you."

'Damn I'm not even here, I'm just a hallucination.'

Before they could get far, Draken steps in and harshly grabs Hina's wrist.

"Oi, you just slap someone and leave?" It's obvious that Hina's intimidated by the blonde duo. You stand there, aware that this'll turn out fine, 'I'll step in if this turns out different,"

"Takemichi-kuns been more injured lately, if that's because of you two, I'll never forgive you!"


Seeings his girlfriend terrified, yet she's standing up for him, Takemich put his hand on Draken's shoulder, he mumbles something incoherent, it being hardly audible. "Hah? Just who do you think you're talking to?!" Damn.. Draken sounds PISSED. He bends over slightly, glaring at Takemichi. The aura coming off of him is intimidating alone.

"T..There are things that I won't ever give up on again!" Draken steps back slightly, confusion coating his voice, "Hah? Ever again?"

That's when Mikey intervenes, "Aw.. that too bad. I thought we could be friends.. now... how do you wanna die?" Turning over to them, his eyes are wide and empty. Despite how scary Mikey looked, Takemichi holds his ground, "Just promise me one thing.." Mikey and Draken raise their brows, a small hint of curiosity in there eyes.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on Hina!"

Mikey drew his hand back, fist in a punching motion, "Haah? Like I care." He states drawing his hand towards Takemichi's face, he braces for the impact, but none came. "Just kidding ♡︎"

"Eh?" Takemichi looks like he's about to shit his pants, "You're so gullible Takemitchy~" Mikey says happily, patting his shoulder.

Dramatically walking in shot like an anime character (cuz he is), he turns around, "Like I'll ever hit a girl."

Now, you're all gathered outside of the school entrance.

"Gomenasai!" Hina profusely apologies while bowing, "It's fine~ That was an amazing slap tho-" Mikey says holding his cheek with a cheeky and teasing look plastered on his face. "Ah! Gomen!"

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