Bonus #2 - Ginny and Harry's Wedding

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I beamed, spinning around while clasping Sirius' hand in mine.

"You are beautiful, darling." He grinned, pulling me towards his chest and placing a kiss to my forehead.

"You are so cheesy, I cannot believe it. And that after more than twenty years," Daisy chuckled next to us.

"Sorry, that I still love your mother like on the very first day. And I am here not the one who forced her boyfriend to wear a suit that perfectly matches his girlfriends dress."

Chuckling Daisy threw her head back, linking her arm with Blaise who grinned at her. "Guess we are just a cheesy family."

"Guess so. Oscar buddy, come on."

"You are all so weird." With that Oscar stepped in line with Sirius and I. He looked like....Sirius. Exactly how I imagined Sirius to have looked like as a child. Obviously we weren't cutting his hair and so he wore them exactly the same way his father did.

"Can I go find Teddy?"

"Sure you go!"

"But don't destroy anything or cause any trouble. This is a wedding and not—"
"Sure, mummy. Bye." I grimaced watching our youngest sprint away with full speed and heading right for Dora, Remus and their son.

"I hope the venue survives those two." Blaise chuckled, following onto the aisle to find our seats. I really hoped that too. Although they weren't allowed to do magic yet, it did not stop Oscar and Teddy from mischief causing. I knew, deep down in my heart, that they would turn out exactly like their fathers once they went to Hogwarts. Which was...unfair. Daisy had already been a little troublemaker who had gladly graduated with flying grades the previous summer. And now Oscar, too, would take after his father? Well, if this was the worst that could happen to us I was more than okay with it.

Once I had found our names we all, safe for Oscar, took our seats. I inhaled deeply, the smell of roses and lilies filling my nostrils and making me smile. The sun warmed my skin when I tipped my head back and closed my eyes. Soft lips coasted my cheek and a grin erupted on my face.

This moment of peace and calm was quickly interrupted by two very loud children voices that came closer and closer.

"Everything's still standing? And no broken bones?"

"Everything's fine," Oscar assured his father before sitting down next to him. Teddy greeted us quickly before heading for his parents who sat right behind us.

"But your hands are muddy and there is dirt on your knees."

"Calm down, Dora he is a child."
"Of course, you would say that now," Tonks chuckled when I turned around and looked at her and Remus. We exchanged a few words concerning the struggles of parenting and our husbands being a bit too childish themselves from time to time when it was announced that the wedding would start.

Harry took his place in front of Ron on the dais, exchanging some words with him before chuckling.

Opposite to him, Daisy waited for Ginny to arrive. Yes, Ginny had chosen Daisy as her maid of honour which my daughter was more than happy about and proud of.

I noticed her say something to Harry, both of them immediately starting to laugh loudly before the pastor calmed them down and music started.

Ginny looked gorgeous which made Harry nearly tumble of the dais. I was sure I spotted a tear dwell in his eyes when Ginny finally stepped up beside him and the ceremony started.

Clasping Sirius' hand in mine, I smiled brightly and watched the ceremony. It was absolutely beautiful, rather simply but nothing less amazing. Some tears definitely escaped me when they presented their vows and even Sirius' lashes dampened a little bit.

"Congrats, buddy. I couldn't be more proud of you," Sirius expressed when folding Harry into his arms.

I did the same with Harry's wife, hugging her tightly. "Congratulations, Ginny." She had also become family, the two of them often spending time at our place. IN the previous years they have also often functioned as babysitters for Oscar when Daisy was at school and Sirius and I both had things to do.

"I still cannot believe that I am actually called Potter now." To that I laughed, tipping my head back.

"To be honest, even after years I still sometimes forget that my last name is Black and not Bell anymore." Grinning, Ginny laughed again. After her I also hugged Harry and Sirius Ginny.

"The Potter boys and their preference for gingers." Folding Harry into my arms, I rolled my eyes at my husband.
"Congratulations, Harry."

Molly took it upon herself to make dinner. Yes—she made dinner for everyone present at this wedding and I had no idea when she had started preparing. Probably months ago. But it was delicious, more delicious than anything I had eaten in a very long time.

After quite an emotional speech from Ron and Hermione, Harry once again broke our hearts with his speech. He talked a lot about Ginny and how they found to each other before making a turn and also talking about his parents.

"But a very wise man once told me: The ones that love us never really leave us. You can always find them in here," —smiling at Sirius, Harry pointed to his heart— "And that is true. My parents might no longer be here, but they will always be with me. And in addition, the wise man I have spoke of is no other than my godfather, Sirius Black. Sirius, Mathilda, Daisy, Oscar, you lot have became so much more than godfather and godmother to me. You have become my family. You showed kindness and love to me at every step of my way and I couldn't be more grateful and thankful. Thank you for being my family."

I simply couldn't hold back. It physically wasn't possibly. Jumping up, I practically launched myself at Harry and curled my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Would you....would you do the mother-son dance with me?" Harry asked, fumbling with his finger and looking down at me with big eyes. "Of course, Harry," I expressed, my face lightening up and quickly grabbing his hand.

I got up and smoothed down my dress. Following him onto the dance floor, I quickly glimpsed over my shoulder, smiling at Sirius.

Pure bliss and also pride laced his features when he smiled at me.

Swaying over the dancefloor, I had to admit that Harry was actually a quite good dancer. "Thank you, Mathilda. For all of it. And for being family. You...have no idea how much it means to me."
"There is really nothing you have to thank me for. I am, no, we are so happy to have you in our life. Our little patchwork family."

Harry's grinned mirrored mine throughout the whole dance.

Later I was joined by Sirius on the dance floor and we simply danced until our feet hurt.

And then when fireworks exploded over our heads, when one day ended and the next started, he kissed me.

"Omnia vincit amor."

"Et nos cedamus amori."

Love conquers all. So let us give in to love.

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