Chapter 62: We Won

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"It is over. We won. It is over!" I over and over needed to tell myself and also Daisy this. She was closely cuddled to me. Sirius stood with Tonks and McGonagall, chatting and smiling, Remus groaning and coughing next to them on the ground. But he lived. And so did Harry. 

He stood with his friends, relief displayed on his bruised face.

The war was over—was won.

Daisy's index finger drew idle circles on my palm, her head resting on my shoulder. "It still seems a bit unreal." she whispered. I bowed my head, my cheek rubbing against the top of her head.

"I know it—" I was interrupted by loud foot steps nearing us.

"Daisy. Daisy, good Godrick, I found you!" I suddenly heard a voice and lifted my head.


Blaise Zabbini.

"Blaise?" Daisy mumbled, looking up at him with teary eyes and an undefinable expression on her face. I felt her body stiffen next to me, her fingers stilling on my palm.

"I am sorry, sorry for everything I have said. For everything I have done. I was such a fool. Like this huge idiot. But...but... I just wanted you to stay away from me because I knew that I was not good for you. With me you would not have been safe. I am sorry....please, please forgive me. I never meant to ignore you. I just noticed Crabbe and Goyle's odd behaviour and I just...I did not want to pull you into this. I was still friends with Malfoy, Cabbe and Goyle and you know what they were. The latter two wanted to pull me into this as well and I just...I couldn't pull you into this," he mourned, looking absolutely disheveled. He had small cuts and scratches over his face. The blood on his skin mixed with dirt and mud, but all he seemingly cared about right now was Daisy. My Daisy.

"I have feelings for you. Godrick dammit, I am so in love with you and I have been for quite a while now. I did not wanted to admit it, but when you got attacked today I thought I would never see that smile again. That fucking beautiful smile I would want to see every minute of my life if I could. I thought I would never hear your cunning and witty remarks again and it broke me. Please forgive me. Daisy, please. I am sorry."

My eyes got wide about this declaration while my lips parted. So did Daisy's. I was too stunned to speak, staring at the tall boy in slight disbelief and utter surprise. Then he turned towards me, spreading his arms and nearly dropping to the ground.

"And Ms Bell, I am sorry. I am sorry for causing your daughter pain and- ugh, fuck, I am just sorry for everything. Sorry for using the f-word that was inappropriate. I am so sorry for hurting her, for hurting you, Daisy," he once more said, walking or rather limping some steps towards us and holding out his hands. I nudged Daisy with my elbow, bowing my head at him which was followed by a small smile.

Daisy got to her feet, slowly waddling towards him. "You mean it?"

"I absolutely do. Dammit, Daisy, you are the most beautiful and stunning girl I have ever met and—" In the next moment she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He also snuck his arms around her, hugging her back while lifting her of the ground.

I blinked my eyes, chuckling and tears flowing over my cheeks. Relief eroded the surprise and small tint of anger I had still felt towards him.

"I will give you some space. But Mr Zabbini we will talk later. We have a few things to discuss," I told him, glowering at the tall boy. Blaise gave me a big smile, nodding, before both of them headed for the bench.

Glimpsing over my shoulder when limping away, I watched Daisy lean closer to him, her smile now mirroring his while slowly interlacing her hands with Blaise's. My daughter....

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