Chapter 53: The Drama With the Boys

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Faster than we had thought the Christmas Holidays had arrived.

Harry's messages via the patronus communication had come in absolutely sporadic in the past weeks —sometimes nothing for days. Also Daisy could not write too much as all letters were controlled by the Carrow siblings. Yes, they really took the time to control them all.

I had just picked up Daisy from the King's Cross train station and her mood was...tremendously bad.

I had no idea if it was because of the way the Carrows treated pupils, or how badly Snape treated them as headmaster, or if there was anything else that caused her terrible mood.

"Daisy. Could you please just talk to me? Huh, what is going on?" I mumbled when I stepped over the threshold after her, looking around in a help-seeking way and hoping to find Sirius who was nowhere in sight.

"Nothing is going on. He is just an idiot," Daisy groaned, tossing her bag away and dropping down on the couch. Severus?

I raised my brows at her, panting slightly since I had been trying to keep up with her pace the whole way back. Oscar waddled towards her and she quickly leaned down, handed him a toy, groaning in frustration.

Leaning back onto the couch, she pulled her feet up and snuck her around arms around her legs while pulling them close to her.

"And who exactly is an idiot?" I asked carefully. Since the moment I had picked her up from platform 9 3/4 her face was grim, on the way home she kept on brooding and now she looked like she was going to destroy something or explode any minute. "Daisy? What is going on?"

I slowly approached her, sitting down next to her and moving my hand to her shoulder. She wiggled away, shaking my hand off and grunted some incomprehensible words.

"How are my two favourite ladies doing?" Sirius asked joyfully, finally showing up.

"Ugh," Daisy groaned, throwing her bead back and rolling her eyes.

Sirius was slightly irritated by her answer, grimacing and soon noticed Daisy's fire dragon like demeanour.
He gritted his teeth, grimacing, eyes going wide.

"What is going on with the two of you? What's up?" He picked up Oscar and finally fully stepped into the room. I shrugged, brushing my hand over Daisy's back.

"Someone apparently is an idiot?" I stated. A small growl left my daughter's throat and that growl was directed right at me. As I said: little fire dragon.

"Mum!" she exclaimed and I lifted my hands in a defensive manner, eyes going wide. Holy Helga. Puberty.....

"Tell me who is an idiot then? The tall boy who I saw you talking to at platform 9 3/4? Has he done something? Has he done something that makes him an idiot?"

Daisy shook her head, immediately burying her face in her hands. But not fast enough for my eyes.

I had seen the terribly blush staining her cheeks.

"What boy?" Sirius cut in, furrowing his brows.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I quickly and slightly too excitedly asked her. Sirius's eyes first went wide, his gaze moving to me and then shooting towards Daisy.


"No, he is not my boyfriend. He is an idiot," Daisy snarled and I moved my hands over hers, pulling hers away from her face. "And why is he an idiot? And why are you so upset? Just because he is an idiot?" I brushed my thumb over her jaw, giving her a sympathetic look.

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