Chapter 28: Bonjour Mon Amour*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Ah, ah. Once again, Mathilda. Running. This is very inappropriate for someone in a position like yours! Try to behave a bit more appropriate and....mature!" Dolores' voice sounded behind me once again.

I turned around, a sweet smile on my lips, nodding. "Of course, Dolores," I told her, and she gave me her sweetest smile.

She was going to be transferred to somewhere and I couldn't wait for the day to happen when she was finally gone. She made a secret out of it where to, but as long as she was far away it was fine.

Harry and Daisy went with the Weasleys today, since there were going to spend the day together, going on an adventure with Arthur apperently. The whole organising and packing for this trip and also for back to school was slightly overwhelming while living in two places - home and Grimmauld Place- and hence I was late again. I really needed to stop finding excuses, but there was always a reason for me being late.

With Harry and Daisy away Sirius and I would finally have a bit of alone time which we were probably going to use for less romantic things, but rather for cleaning the whole cellar and a few more rooms. The past days were so busy and we hardly found time and Sirius wanted to spend enough time with Daisy and Harry, hence we postponed the cleaning.

"Morning!" I greeted, stepping into the office and Marc lifted his head, smirking. "Morning, Mathilda. Red....suits you!" I nodded, ignoring his gaze and sitting down behind my desk. I was now also doing Amos' work which resulted in working many extra hours. This was going to be a long day, full of letters, sentences, numbers and names. Without a break I started right into work.

I huffed, bracing my chin in my hands before rubbing my temples. Eight hours of straight work. I was done. All I wanted and needed was a bath and sleep. Now.

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I slammed the door shut behind me, stomping my feet into the ground, while groaning loudly. I stomped through the corridors and upstairs. I opened the door to the living room, brows knit and groaning again. Sirius lifted his gaze from behind a book and gave me an amused look.

"Bonjour! What is up with you, mon amour?" I held up my hand, kicking off my shoes and tossing my bag away.

I waddled over to the couch which he lay on and just let myself fall on him, face-forward on his chest. "Uff," he exclaimed while I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck.

"I am annoyed," I groaned while I felt his hands run up and down my back and finally resting on my bum. "Oh, really, barely noticed it....What is it?" he mumbled, brushing his hand down my back.

"Marc and Dolores and thanks to Fudge I am snowed in with work!"

"What did Marc do?" Sirius growled, completely ignoring the other part of my complaint. Apperently men could really only ever register one part of a statement or question.

I knew Sirius trusted me, but he hated it that I have to share my office with a former lover. He was not particularly jealous, but slightly annoyed about the whole situation. And so was I.

"Nothing specific, him talking is already enough," I grumbled, burying my face in his chest.

"I am getting more and more frustrated that I am practically locked in here and cannot help you," Sirius murmured. "Don't worry, I don't need help. I just want Amos back in the office."

"I understand that."

"Whatever. The French sounded really good," I hummed against his chest, which I felt vibrate under me. My chest filled with warmth when I thought about him talking French.

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