Chapter 2: Dog Visit

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Sorry," Daisy huffed, tumbling backwards. A man with short dark hair made a movement with his hand, waving her off, his lips pressed in a thin line. I quickly got up, approaching my daughter and the man–the men actually, as suddenly more stepped up onto the porch.

"Good afternoon. Can I help you, gentlemen?" I asked the group of men -Aurors- at my front door. My palms immediately turned sweaty and I inhaled a deep breath. "Daisy, please go collect your herbs and plants, yes?" I told her, carefully shoving her out the door and she nodded, a concerned look on her face, but she understood. I would come up with some lie later, telling her about some ministry business or something. I made a movement with my hand, offering the men to come into the house.

"Well, you probably already know why we are here. It is no secret that you and Mr Black were a couple or were intimate years ago. He has escaped Azkaban and the most obvious choice were he would go, would obviously be here, right?" "Yes, it would, but he isn't here and before you ask, I have not heard of him either. I found out about his escape in the news this morning, that's it."

The man, who had spoken earlier, nodded before examining the room.

"We have already searched the whole territory here but we would like to have a look around your house, if you allow us to? Otherwise we will have to bring a written confirmation form the ministry and search the house that way," he sternly informed me, looking me up and down, his gaze lingering on my cleavage for a bit too long. Although, I lost a lot of weight during the war I managed to get my curvy body back. This happened due to pregnancy and just simply eating normal again, so the red summer dress I was wearing perfectly fitted my curves. Still, his gaze disgusted me.

I glowered at him, "You can search it. I have nothing to hide, please come in." I braced my hands on my hips. I stepped backwards and let them enter.

"But are you really sure he escaped? Maybe he has been transported to a different cell? No one ever escaped Azkaban. How would the Dementors not have noticed?" I queried then, the question had been burning on my tongue since they had arrived. 

"We have no idea, Ms Bell. But he has escaped. All cells have been searched, no sign of Black," another Auror said, approaching the fireplace, looking into it and up the chimney. "It is a miracle. But probably just proof of his utter wickedness but also talent. He is reckless, a mass murderer, escaping Azkaban was probably an easy challenge for him," he coldly chuckled and I huffed. I felt tears built up in my eyes, thinking about his wording. Utter wickedness. How did no one believe him? I had tried to so many times to beg them to use Verita Serum on Sirius, but I had never been successful.

I started leading them through the house. The living and dining room, the kitchen, the bathrooms, my study and bedroom, Daisies bedroom, the cellar and also the small glasshouse outside. They checked every tiny space, if he hid there somewhere. They even checked under the carpets, examining every detail of every room. They told me that they have already searched my grandfather's house and I walked them back to the entrance door.

"Well, it seems like you are really not hiding Mr Black. But if he shows up here. If you hear anything of him, if there is any sign of him, you will have to inform us immediately," one of the older Aurors said and I nodded. "Of course!"


If he showed up here I would do everything to protect him, so that no one found out where he was.

I had opened the door for them and they finally stepped out of the house. I let a breath of relief escape my lips.

The dark haired man turned towards me one more time, looking me up and down again and asked,"The girl from earlier, is she his? His daughter?" His face was stern and his gaze was now fixed on my lips.

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