Chapter 11: Son-in-Law

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~ Mathilda POV ~

I knew I had to tell my mother. I was going to tell her now, the moment I arrived back home. The charm on the house had already worn off, of course, I could not keep it hidden the whole time.

Honestly, I really just wanted to spend time with Sirius, alone, but I could not not tell my mother when she was right next doors. From grandfather I would keep it a secret because he might let information slip, but not from mum.

Hesitantly I walked over to their house, slowly lifting my hand to knock, which I then did. Waiting for her felt like hours that passed. But finally she opened the door and smiled at me.

"Oh, hello sweetheart. What brings you here at such a time?" she asked and I took a deep breath.

"Mum, I would like to show you something. Please come with me for a second, okay? No questions, just follow me please," I said, sternly while grabbing her hand. "You scare me a bit, Mathilda. But I just trust for now," she answered, an irritated tone in her voice while we both made our way over to my house.

I slowly unlocked the door, taking another deep breath and walking inside. Everything was calm, you could only hear the clock on the wall. Maybe he was asleep?

"Wait here, I'll be right back," I ordered her and quickly slipped out of my heels and made my way over to the bedroom. I just walked inside and there he was, lying on the bed and reading something.

"Hey, finally. Took you forev-" he started, placing the book down and smiling brightly, but I quickly held my hand up. "I had to tell mum. Please come with me," I then said, feeling my heart starting to beat faster. His eyes went wide and he opened his mouth slightly, "Now?" I nodded.

He slowly pulled his legs off the bed and started walking towards me, before looking into my eyes. "Does she- did she..?" "No, she never doubted you either. She also always believed you, but also no one wanted to believe her," I then said, grabbing his hand and pulling him after me.

"Mathilda, I am getting impatient, what do you want to show me?" My mother's voice rang through the corridor and I had to smile. Sirius was more than nervous, I could tell it from how sweaty his hands were and how much he was shaking.

"Okay let's go," I said to him, before pulling him after me into the living room where my mum stood.

Instantaneously her eyes went so wide that her eyeballs threatened to fall out, while her mouth fell open. Sirius stood there next to me, a weak attempt of a smile on his lips.

"Oh my dear. Sirius.....I cannot believe my eyes," she gasped, before quickly walking over to us and stopping in front of him. She threw her arms around him and pulled him close to her, to which he obviously relaxed.

"Oh dear, my son. I never doubted you either. It is good to see you. Finally, I cannot express how happy I am. For the both of you," she bubbled, pulling away from him, but keeping her hands on his shoulders. Tears fell out of her eyes and she looked at him while also Sirius started to cry.

"I am so sorry, for all the pain I caused your daughter. But thank you, thank you for believing and forgiving me," he then said, more tears falling from his eyes and I quickly grabbed his hand tightly.

"Always," she said, sniffing. "But you have to tell me now..... How the hell did you do that? How the hell did you get out of this awful place?.....Oh and Daisy, oh little Daisy. She will be so happy to finally meet you," mum said under tears.

We decided to sit down on the couch and Sirius again told her his story of how he escaped and where he went, also about Harry and Hogwarts. In between his stories I quickly made my way over to the kitchen to prepare dinner for us. "Oh Sirius, you have gotten so thin it breaks my heart. You have to eat!" my mother said when I walked in with dinner. I placed all the food on the table and brought out some glasses and a jug. My mother agreed to keep it from grandfather, not that he lets anything slip, but she was going to tell Andrew. Sirius was happy to hear that they were still together.

Sirius Black | Ad Meliora (Sequel) ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum