Chapter 13: If I Could Turn Back Time

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~ Mathilda POV ~

I broke down on the floor and when Sirius came over and tried to put his hands on my shoulder I quickly pushed him away. "I fucked up. So so much. I need to fix this! Stay here. Please stay here, all right. I will, no I have to fix this. But please Stay! And stay here," I sobbed, getting up and storming after Daisy.

I quickly sprinted outside but she was already gone and so I started looking around. She probably hasn't gone to my mother's or grandfather's house, but I had an idea where she went.

Whenever she was sad she went to this little creek in the forest. It wasn't for bathing, it was requite small and normally you could find a lot of animals and magical creatures there. She often let her feet tangle in the water. I remembered that she went there when her first cat died and later when one of her favourite birds diasappeared. She always went there, she had to be there. I started walking through the forest, the sun already started to set and it was getting slightly cooler outside. Tree branches crumbled under my feet and I brushed leaves out of my face, while making my way over to the little rock she always sat on.

I was still crying, wiping the tears from my face. She could not hate me. I knew she did not mean it, but I understood why she said it. She had all right to be mad and disappointed.

I was more than relieved when I saw her sitting on the rock, her legs pulled close to her body and her face covered in her hands

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I was more than relieved when I saw her sitting on the rock, her legs pulled close to her body and her face covered in her hands. She was still shaking, weeping and sobbing into her hands and I quickly made my way over to her. Slowly and calmly to not scare her. I lifted myself onto the rock and brushed my hand over her shoulder, to which she flinched.
"Daisy, I would never choose him over you. You are the most important thing in my life. And if I had to, I would sacrifice everything for you. Even if that meant never seeing him again in my life!" I told her still brushing my hands over her back. "I never told you because I wanted to protect you, but I now know that it was wrong and that I should have done things differently. If I could turn back time, I would do it!" I breathed out, leaning onto her back and kissing her head. "Daisy you are my everything and I love you to the moon and back. I would never risk losing you. I am truly sorry for hurting you so badly!"

"So he is really my father?" Daisy suddenly spoke up and I felt her shift slightly. I lifted myself up and she looked into my face, pouting and with red puffy eyes. I nodded slowly and tears appeared in her eyes again.

"But he really is innocent. It was Peter Pettigrew. He framed Sirius for doing it, but no one believed him, no one believed me," I told her, brushing my hand over her jaw to wipe away some tears.

"Does grandma know?" I again nodded and Daisy huffed. "So I am the only one that was kept in the dark!" "I am so sorry," I cried and looked to the ground.

"Does she trust him?" "Yes she does. She was here the other day and she believes him, she always believed him. She always told me that I should tell you, but I did not listen to her." I let a cold laugh escape my lips and Daisy shook her head.

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