Chapter 54: Light in Dark Times

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- little time skip -

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Alright, a quick update," I started, bracing my hands on the table and looking at my fiancé. Sirius gave me an encouraging smile, bowing his head.

"Kingsley is alright. He managed to fight off the Death Eaters last night, but," —I paused, swallowing hard— "but I have to warn you. Do not use you-know-who's name. Use the Dark Lord or He-who-shall-not-be-named or whatever other name you can come up with. But do not use his name. The Taboo Curse was placed on his name, they will find you when you use it. And the consequences will be drastic. Do not do this, it will put us all into danger!" My face was stern and cold, my jaw clenched. I meant it. We could not risk it. I saw Remus nod silently, a new scar grazing his cheek.

The whole war situation put an extra pressure on him and also.... the fact that Dora was extremely close to giving birth.

"What about the Weasleys?" Elphias Doge asked and I turned my gaze towards him.

"In hiding," Sirius answered him and he nodded, grumbling something into his beard.

"Their youngest daughter as well?"

"Not yet, I believe. Alongside Daisy she went back to Hogwarts, but maybe they will pull her out of school earlier or later," I answered, picking up a stack of parchment and fumbling through it.

"What about guarding Hogwarts? How is it going?" I continued and got a few not too reassuring answers, mostly they were just blabbering about things we anyways already knew.

"And lastly, how is Potterwatch going?"

The Potterwatch was an underground radio programme which broadcasted the truth while the Daily Prophet and other new outlets where controlled by the ministry which was under Death Eater control.

"Well, it is working, but we a had a full breakdown of all radio stations last week, currently trying to build everything up again. Some things are working, some need a bit more time to get fixed." Quinn Heatherly explained. I nodded at the witch, giving her a sympathetic smile. Ah, that was the reason why no one had really wanted to talk with me about it in the past days.

"You need help?"

"Nah, it should be working again this afternoon. There is just a bit of a delay in the news broadcasting."

"That is no problem. Better later than never. People need to know what is going on," Sirius stated, bracing his hands on the table.

But the radio programme was not only there to provide serious and honest news but also to encourage people to protect Muggles and Muggle-borns. The ministry had created a new commission, the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, that set their goal on persecuting all Muggle-borns.

Juniper Barsle then raised her hand, quickly glancing over to her husband and then back at me and I gave her a sign to speak.

"We actually want to record you. We want to broadcast an encouraging message from you. From the Order leader. You are one of the most important voices of resistance, the people need to hear you." Oh Godrick. That was not good. Leader of the Order was one thing, speaking in front of people, encouraging them and being the voice of the resistance was a whole different pair of shoes. My stomach churned with nausea, cold sweat slowly breaking out on the back of my neck.

"I...I am not sure if...I can, if what I will, if I am good at that," I blabbered, heat dashing into my cheeks and my knees going wobbly. A chuckle erupted from Sirius and I quickly darted my gaze at him, glowering. "Maybe Sirius should do it?"

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