Chapter 60: Battle of Hogwarts I

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Where to?"

"Great Hall, I assume," I answered Kingsley, falling into step with him. My wand was tightly clutched in my hand, heart thrumming against my rib cage while hurdling through the corridors. We passed many familiar places, the staircase to the Hufflepuff basement or...Sirius's and I's broom closet.

I allowed myself this short moment, glancing over my shoulder at my fiancé. He was probably thinking the same, the corner of his mouth twitching up as he dipped his chin. A second later I snapped my gaze back, now it landed on the entrance door to the Great Hall.

" seem to have a bit of a security problem, headmaster." With that and followed by loud gasps and mutterings of surprise we stepped into the Great Hall, my eyes immediately landing on Severus.

"I'm afraid it's quite extensive....How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him." Harry shouted to which Severus pulled out his wand. All pupils moved to the side gasping while simultaneously Minerva and I stepped up to Harry.

"How dare you? I trusted you. I always trusted you in the past years. How dare you betray those few people you had that cared about you?"

Severus' gaze snapped towards me, locking with mine for a second. Fury but also some other feeling—sorrow or anguish—laced his features when he took a step forward, gaze moving back to Harry.

Minnie was the first to fire a spell.

Then Severus.

I was too stunned to act, watching the two battle each other — yellow light clashing with a blue strays. Grunting the Carrow siblings fell to the ground when Snape had redirected a spell that had been fired at him. A sort of cruel delight sparked inside of me at that. It served them right.

Snape swept up and left as a dash of darkness and shadows, breaking the glass window behind him.

"Coward!" Minnie shouted, lighting up the room and instantly chatter and mumbling and consequently also cheering broke out.

Which immediately died down when a voice, his voice, filled the room and Harry tumbled to the ground. I dashed forward, clasping my hands over Harry's shoulders, holding him while he stared straight forward.

Rumbling and low howling filled the Great Hall — it hollowed of the walls, a kernel of panic taking root in my chest and a cool shiver running down my spine.

"Harry?" I breathed, shaking his shoulders slightly. "Potter?" Minerva's voice sounded next to me.

Everyone looked around, terrified until the rumbling was interrupted by a girl screaming. The scream cut through all of us, sending a bolt of pure terror right through my heart. More girls started screaming and then...then he spoke to us. To all of us. His voice was barely above a whisper—rough and raspy.

"I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter." His voice was like that of a serpent with a lisp and utterly lethal. "Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed!"

I drew in a shuddering breath, spinning around and trying to find Sirius. Or Remus or anyone.

"Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour."

The whispers vanished, momentarily there was rumbling until silence swept over us like a thin blanket of dread.

"What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!" a girl with brown hair shouted while pointing at Harry. If she hadn't been a student I might have hexed her...badly.

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