Chapter 23: The Last Task

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Ah, there. I think we can go directly up there. Amos, we meet you up later, all right?" Arthur asked Amos, while we walked towards the stands from where we would watch the last task of the Tournament. Amos nodded, grinning brightly and walked off.

"Arthur, I think I will also quickly look for Harry, I'll meet you up there," I told him and he agreed walking towards the stands while I made my way back to find Harry. The Hogwarts band was already playing music and I looked around in awe, it was amazing although I was worried sick for Harry and what this task would bring.

So, where could Harry be? Where were all the other champions? I passed Fleur and gave her a quick nod, smiling. Fleur was here so Harry couldn't be fare away. I heard chatting, so I was getting close to at least some people maybe they could tell me where Harry-

"Bell, I did not think I would see you again," a male voice chuckled and I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Still beautiful, like all those years ago!"

The voice sent shivers done my spine and I quickly spun around. "Igor Karkaroff. It is quite a surprise to see you...out here, too," I taunted, raising my brow. His lips formed a wicked grin, while he wiggled his brows eyeing me up and down."One could say the same about you."

I huffed a cold laugh, gave him a nod and walked past him without saying another word.

"Harry, there you are!" I cheered, grabbing his hands and he looked at me, insecure and unsure. "You think I will make it out?"

"Of course, I think so. You will do amazing and it does not matter if you win. Just make it out okay, that's what matters," I told him, placing my hands on his shoulder. The other champions had already left, leaving just him and I here.

"Sirius, said the same. Just make it out. If something happens, don't move further, call for help and get out. You don't have to win!" I told him once again, whispering and pulling him closer and placing a kiss to his head.

"Thank you! How is he?" "Good, he came over a few days ago, he is doing well," I told him, still whispering and he nodded.

"Harry, we should get going! Ah, Ms Bell, what a surprise to see you!" Dumbledore suddenly said, appearing on the threshold and extending his hand to Harry. "Good to see you too, headmaster," I told him, smiling. "Unfortunately there is no time to catch up, have a good time watching the Task," Dumbledore stated, titling his head at me. I nodded, smiling. Harry walked towards him and Dumbledore disappeared, which meant the end of our very short conversation.

"Good luck, Harry," I told him once more, handing him a tiny lucky clover which he quickly stuffed in his pocket before running after Dumbledore.

I also made my way back, giving Daisy a quick wave when I passed the stand she sat on and she grinned at me, sitting with her friends. They were chewing on some sweets, dressed and coloured in Gryffindor colours and having Potter written on their cheeks.

Her and Harry really more and more reminded me of James and Sirius, it was insane. This could have been a Quidditch game back in the 1970s, Sirius cheering on James.

I gave her one last smile before ascending the stairs of the the stand where my place was, sitting down next to Arthur, who immediately engaged me in a conversation about muggles and some great new inventions from muggles, that he could hardly believe.

The champions were brought out onto the field, the band was playing and I was happy to see that Amos also acted like an embarrassing parent, lifting Cedrick's arm in the air, cheering and smiling like a fool.

The start was announced and Cedrick and Harry were the first ones to enter the maze. I held my thumbs, sending out prayers that he will come back to us safely.

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