
Start from the beginning

"Sembri una zanzara che parla inglese quindi o stai zitto o parla in italiano." I snort.

(You sound like a mosquito talking English so either shut up or talk in Italian.)

"Abbastanza giusto, allora signorina Miller continuerò a suonare come una zanzara in italiano." He smirks before letting out a low chuckle.

(Fair enough, then miss miller I will continue sounding like a mosquito in Italian.)

"Ora puoi continuare."

(Now you may continue.)

He chuckles darkly taking a step toward me.

"Mi è stato detto che eri nel gioco della caccia, ma non ci credevo." He whispered inches away from me.

(I was told you were into the chasing game but didn't believe them.)

Placing his drink on the table he resumed,"Ma ora che ti vedo so perché Alessandro ha scelto te, gli piace certo che le sue donne sappiano giocare."

(But now that I see you I know why Alessandro chose you, He sure likes his women to know how to play.)

Pushing him away lightly so the ones around us won't notice I glare at him.

"Soffri di Disturbo Schizotipico di Personalità?"

(Do you have Schizotypal Personality Disorder?)

He laughs throwing his head backwards getting a lot of unwanted attention.

"Persona che ha bisogno di attenzione." I mumble under my breath making sure he doesn't hear.

(Attention seeker.)

"Alexandra Fox Miller, don't you think it's time to stop playing around cause even the cat gets tired of chasing the mouse."

Since he begs of me to play then I shall.

"Il gatto può andare a farcire."

(The cat can go get stuffed.)

"Molto esuberante."

(feisty much.)

"Chiamalo come vuoi, esci dalla mia faccia prima che agiti il ​​pugno e lasci un segno sul tuo viso!" I remark.

(Call it whatever you want, get out of my face before I wave my fist and leave a mark on your face!)

"Ok, mia madre mi ha cresciuto bene quando una donna dice di no, me ne andrò, ma mio padre mi ha insegnato a non lasciare mai qualcosa che voglio."

(Okay, my mom raised me well when a woman says no I shall leave, but my dad has taught me to never let go of something I want.)

Grabbing my hand he kissed the top of it before walking away.

"What a tosser." I roll my eyes gulping down the left champagne in my flute.

"Who was he?" I stare at Sergio before waving nothing, "A man with Schizotypal Personality Disorder."

"Okay-Just be careful."

"Don't worry, I have my weapon, my brain and beauty," I smirk placing my hair behind my ear.

A small chuckle leaves his mouth before he masks it with a poker face.

"Getting into the character I see, anyways I will use the toilet before things go south for these demons."

"Aida and I will be here."

I nod before turning my route and walking toward one of the Waiters, "Mi scusi, ma dov'è il gabinetto?"

(Excuse me, but where is the toilet?)

"È su per le scale alla tua sinistra."

(It is up the stairs to your left.)

I nod walking away.

God, I need to take this mask off I feel like I am suffocating. reaching the end of the stairs I walk straight soon after spotting the toilet, pushing the door open I walk in and stand in front of the mirror.

Opening the strings of my mask I pull it away from my face sucking in a deep breath.

"Looks like the mouse is caught in the cat's trap."

A familiar quote but a new voice, gawking at the reflection of the other soul in the washroom I realise who he is.

"Look who finally decided to show up" I smirk turning away from the mirror,"Xavier Ivanov, not going to lie but sending a man with Schizotypal Personality Disorder was a terrible idea."

"I have heard a lot about you."

"I wish I could say the same thing about you but I certainly can not." I proceed, "Now if you will excuse me, I am going to leave." Making my way towards the exit door I was slammed against the wall of the toilet.

"I don't think I have finished talking."

"I am sorry, but that is a you problem don't pull me in, its not my business if you can't seem to talk properly."

"That mouth of yours will get you in alot of trouble."

"You stay worried about your problems I can deal with mine just fine." Pushing him away I once again turn to leave.

"I wonder what will happen when my men out number Alessandro when he tries to make his big enterance."

I smile darkly pausing in my place.

"You really can't keep your nose in your own mess , can you?"

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