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The car ride was peaceful and quiet, every now and then Aless would glance my way and shoot me a smile like no other.

“So where are we going?”

“Somewhere alluring.”

“May I perhaps know where is this place?”

“Of course..” He paused before glancing at me continuing, “You can know the location when we get there.” His eyes turned back to the road smiling.

“You’re lucky I am a patient, woman.” I brag before darting my eyes from him and staring out of the windshield.

“Whatever you say, love.” He mumbled.

Staring at the passing vehicles, a train filled with thoughts halted at its stop which was no other than in my brain.

We made it I guess...Even if he never asked me to be his girlfriend, and told me to act as his wife at Melissa’s house. He is confusing but I love it, he might be poison but it's my poison, He is dangerous, unpredictable, manipulative, and arrogant yet we match and fit into the empty spots of each other's lives.

The pain.

The tears.

The bittersweet nights.

The cold beds.

The gloomy skies.

The heavy hearts.

They all disappear with one touch and smile of his.

He moulds my heart whenever it's miss shaped.

My story is unique I guess.

Who would have thought the sharp-tongued British girl will meet the ominous Hernandez Heir at a small coffee shop in Italy and end up becoming the ruler of her heart.

I won the war...

I grinned proudly as I looked at him focused on the road.

You’re mine.” I blurt out with confidence.

His vision collided with mine smirking,

Fast reaction...

“Principessa I was supposed to say that first,” I raise a brow, “But I am not complaining it's always fun to have women in charge.”

He scooted his eyes back onto the road as I take a good look at his complexion before looking away.

I bloody made it.

I look out the window drifting into various thoughts.

“Mio Amore,” I look away from the window darting my eyes towards him, “Yes?”

“We’re here.” I nod smiling before gradually getting out of the car.

Trees.A lot of trees.

He stood beside me and held my hand.

His hand fit perfectly into mine as I instantly felt a warm sensation filling every edge of my body

“Let's go.”

Walking into the woods I realized how there were no other people around except for us.

“Aless where are you taking me?”

“Patience love, Patience. ”

Walking deeper into the forest I could no longer keep my mouth shut.

“As you are not going to murder me and bury me where are you?” I blurt

“You and your wild imagination, Mio Amore why would I kill you, and if I had the intentions to I would have done when I met you for the first time.” He reasoned,

“But still-”

“Shhh, we're here.”

And there it was, a beautiful treehouse.

A smile limped onto my edge as I kept staring between the treehouse and Aless.

“It's lovely.” I let go of his hand and run towards the treehouse climbing up the ladder made of rope and wood I slowly ascend.

“Okay, I think now you love the treehouse more than I do.” I hear Aless complaints he climbs up.

“I do!” I tease him.

Standing straight as I stare at the view.

“It's calming, isn't it?” I hum to his question still smiling like a fool.

Feeling his hands wrap around my waist I look up at him before hugging him, “I love it.” I mumble into his chest.

“Alexandra marry me.”

Woah Woah did I hear that right.

What?I smile as I look up at him.

“Look I know this isn't how you expected this whole situation but I love you, I love every piece of you and I am absolutely in love with you, you are the women I need in my life I want you to be mine. My side of the world isn't butterflies and sunshine every day, it's scary and I don't know what will happen tomorrow but I want to make the best out of today so I won't have any regrets.” He halted holding both my hands in his as he got on his knees, “So will you Alexandra Miller do me the honour and marry me?”

Shocked, scared and happy that's how I felt...

But deep down I already knew the answer to the question.

“I do.” My voice came out soft as I didn't even realise I was tearing up, without hesitation he was on his feet again as he pulled me into the biggest hug.

Then he pulled way flustered, “Oh shit I forgot the ring.” Taking a little black box out of his pant pocket he unlocked it revealing the most glamorous ring.

Taking my hand in his once again he placed the ring on my ring finger.

For a moment time stopped he froze, I felt complete and joyous. The man who never knelt in front of mankind knelt in front of me and asked me to be his partner.

It's crazy, innit?

Thank you.” He whispered holding my hand tight in his hand.

Thank you for being the reason I wake up every morning, for not hating myself, for being me, for making me powerful, and at last making me the happiest man in the world.

His eyes went as a single tear ran down his cheeks, not having the ability to see him cry I pulled him by his neck into a kiss filled with love and passion. Soon he was the one in control as he grabbed me by the waist pulling me even closer.

Running my hand through his hair I knew the true meaning of love and how valuable it was.

No treasure in the world could replace the meaning of love.

I am in love.

And I am thankful for every moment in life that has been the reason I stand here today in the arms of my other half.

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