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"Have you ever heard of the story of a ghost in the armour?" My Grandmother implored,
"No Nana, what is the ghost in the armour?" I ask

"Let me tell you the story but in a way, you understand my child." She resumed,

"An air so transparent and sly,

Must have been a knight in his past life,

Wearing a cloak of armour made of slivers from the sky,

He stood away very bleak and shy

Staring through the window of his lover, with the come of midnight,

He realised, he was dead forgotten from his mind

Perhaps he already knew but chose to stay the night

He hoped for her to dance with his ghost one last time,

Before fading into the afterworld tonight."

"I don't understand Nana."

"It's okay sweetheart, just remember those lines as I for sure know once you grow up those lines will signify a lot to you."

That one ode was one of the many poems Nana had read for me back when I was young, but Until this day I don't understand what the Ghost in the Armour symbolised to her aside from demise.

"Where is Aida?"

"She is in her room, why?"

"I must speak to her."

Sauntering out of my bedroom I was rush to Aida's chamber.

My hands makes contact with the cold wooden door, I knock twice before speaking up, "Aida, it's me Alexandra may I enter ?"

"Sure, come in."

Opening the door I step into the room being welcomed by the warm air from her bedrooms air conditioner I shiver slightly from the whiff , the interior layout of the room is very much identical to mine, aside from the fact that the walls here are creamy and the bedsheets are a pale shade.

"Do you have a moment?" I ask closing the door.

"Yes of course come, have a sit." she sat on the bed wearing a purple dress, covering her baby bump as she caressed it soothingly.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I admire her, "You must be happy to know you are holding another life inside of you and that soon she or he will be in your arms."

"It's a He." she smiles, my hand making way to my mouth as I gasp, "I could imagine a mini Anthony." we both giggle.

"It's scary if I am being honest." she looks at her bump then at me resuming, "You don't know whether you will make it out, or the baby will be safe, is this environment stable for him, a thousand scary thoughts but as you said it all does face away with the thought of knowing he will be in my arms soon, and that he is my child." she grins

"Why did you want to participate in the ball mission?"

"Because of you."


"Yes you, I wanted to contribute cause it was new to hear a female consigliere was the reason for most of the distress going on in the underground world, I remember meeting you the first time when you came to the police station with Anthony, you both came to meet the chief of the police department, and when I heard the name Alexandra Miller I was shocked to know the girl who threatened the chief was the same girl who was now the consigliere of the Hernandez Household."

"But you still knew the mission was suicidal, if anything goes wrong we might all die."

"Alexandra, taking risks is destructive cause it either takes from you or you take from it, but I believe in you, you and Alessandro will make sure everything goes the right way, I believe in you, so does the others."

"Thank you for believing in me Aida."

"The Russians are in Milan and they are coming after the Hernandez family and most probably my neck. I know I shouldn't be filling your head with these negative words because being stressed isn't good for the baby, but I know you are aware I don't have much contact with women, not ever since I came to Italy, the past week, whenever I have met a woman I would destroy them at the end of the day which isn't very nice, but that's not what I am here for." I pause staring at her then at my hands, "I just wanted to talk to the only other female in the house."

She chuckles, grinning, "I am glad you finally came around Alexandra, we all need to have some girl talk from time to time, so feel free to tell me anything."

I sigh, "I am scared, I know that doesn't sound like me, but I am worried, The Russians are known for their ruthlessness, and the other Italian gangs are all vicious and ferocious, just the thought of making a mistake during tonight's event sents shivers down my spine, I am worried about Alessandro."

"I am no fortuneteller or palm reader but I know even if something goes wrong Alexandra Hernandez won't get on her knees, but what's important now is that you have faith and keep strong, don't let the scary thoughts take over your mind and soul." She continued, "You are a part of the Hernandez Family and for as long as I know they are the sharpest, toughest and most loyal Family, they don't go down that easily, they always get revenge." I smile, "Well then I am the Capo's Fiance and I will make sure to not bend down." I stand up walking towards her before hugging her, making sure I don't add pressure onto her body.

"We better get ready, the ball is in less than two hours." I assert, before walking towards the door,

"Don't go too hard on yourself." I nod and give her one last smile before walking out of the room.

Stepping into my room I walk towards the balcony, starting through the French glass door I admire the sunset.


"hmm?" I hum

"Alessandro called saying he will be here in half an hour and that your dress is in his closet." I nod not taking my eyes off the sky.

"Don't go too hard on yourself."

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