NR: Family dinner.

Start from the beginning

Yelena nodded inmediately, as for the teen, she rolled her eyes. It wasn't fair to her. It was her favorite part of the day, because she didn't get to spend a lot of time with Natasha and Yelena during the day and besides the jokes were always harmless. After a few moments of consideration, bitting her lip, she nodded. 

"Good. I'll take a shower, but you two get to work. There's some cleaning to do." Natasha instructed, before she walked straight to the bathroom.

"I'll vaccum. You do the dishes." Yelena called, getting up from her seat, earning an eye-roll from Y/N, who also got up from her seat.

In less than four hours, the apartment was cleaned and organized and Beef Stroganoff was prepared for dinner. Melina arrived around 6 P.M and after a quick chat on the living room, it was finally dinner time.

Melina and Yelena were seated on the dining room, eating and chatting casually about Yelena's missions, while Natasha was on the kitchen, warming up more potatoes, and Y/N secretly pleaded the boring dinner was over. If it were up to her, she would've already played a prank on Yelena or at least told a silly joke.

"... and Y/N, don't slouch." Melina added, glancing at the teenager and then her dinner.

"I'm not slouching. I don't slouch." Y/N complained, moving around her vegetables, not in the mood to actually eat them.  

"You are... and please, don't play with your vegetables, like a little kid. You would beneficiate a lot if you actually eat them." Melina scolded, pointing with her fork to the untouched mushrooms in the teen's plate. 

"Eat your veggies, little Y/N, so you can grow big and strong to be a poser just like your mom..." Yelena mocked. She took a bite of her own dinner, causing a gasp from the teen in front of her. 

"Go on, auntie Lena, I'm about to hit you in the head with my potatoes..." Y/N threatened as a joke.

"You wouldn't dare, chicken." Yelena dared, taking advantage of Natasha's absense.

A mischievous grin appeared on Y/N's lips as she scooped a large portion of the potatoes in her plate and positioned her spoon like a catapult, aiming for Yelena's head.

Natasha came back from the kitchen sensing a change in the ambient, which made her frown when she noticed what her daughter was doing. She put the recently warmed potatoes on the table and sat on her place.

"Alright, enough all of you!" Natasha looked between Yelena and Y/N. The frown on her face intensified while she folded her arms. So both knew she wasn't playing around. "Y/N, don't you dare... Or I swear you'll..."

"I didn't say... " Yelena couldn't finish her sentence, because the potatoes impacted her face. Y/N bursted out of laughing.

"Y/N Romanoff! What did I just tell you?" Natasha scolded in a serious tone, making her daughter shut up inmediately.

"Cyka." Yelena mumbled with a frown, taking a napkin to clean her face.

"Did you hear her, mom? She called me cyka. She's the bitch, not me." Y/N crossed her arms looking at her mom with an annoyed expression written on her face.

"I'm not the one throwing food to people like a damn savage. You're definitely a cyka." Yelena pointed to the teen, taking the potatoes that hit her in a napkin.

"Yelena, stop behaving like you're her age. You're an adult now..." Melina scolded, making the youngest russian to roll her eyes.

"So now, I'm the problem, huh?" Yelena sulked, taking another bite from her dinner. "Don't know if you noticed, but she threw potatoes to my face..."

"Yes, you've always been the problem and that's what you get for calling me a poser." Y/N spoke in a mocking tone and stuck out her tounge to Yelena, before going back to move around her mushrooms with dissgust. 

"Y/N, thank you for volunteering to wash the dishes after dinner. You raised her well, Natasha." Melina interrumpted, looking with a serious grin at the teen who looked back at her in horror and then to her mom.

"Uhm, mom, I didn't say-" 

"Don't look at me like that, you heard her. And after you finish washing the dishes, I want you ready for bed, detka." Natasha scolded back, not daring to contradict Melina's orders.

"But it's game night with the girls, and it's not even 8 pm." Y/N complained with a pout, that usually worked on Natasha, but not this time.

"Should've thought about it before calling Yelena's names." Natasha shrugged, taking a bite of her beef.

"But mom, she called me po..."

"No. No buts or ifs. You heard me and that's final, detka." Natasha shook her head, dissapointed. "Now, finish your dinner..."

"Looks like someone is having an early night. Do you want me to tuck you in?" Yelena responded back to her niece in the same mocking tone the teen used before.

"Yelena, thank you for volunteering to help Y/N. I'm sure you both will finish in no time. And also you're off your room when you're done..."  Melina interrupted. Yelena let out a sigh.

"No, that's not fair. You can't do that. I'm not a..."

"If you're acting like someone her age, I'm treating you like such." Melina concluded, leaving no room for argument.

The rest of the dinner and the dishwashing was spent in silence from the teenager. Needless to say Y/N spent it planning her revenge on Yelena for making her miss her beloved game night. As for Yelena she learned to keep her mouth shut when her mom was around.

Mother/daughter one shots: EO, WM, SJ, NRWhere stories live. Discover now